Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Non walk stuff

On the day the walk started our dear friends Shellie and Kit arrived for 5 days, they are such lovely people but live in Hereford so we only get to see them maybe once or twice a year! We all get on so well and they totally adore and spoil the hounds and us! I knew they would come armed with gifts so made them this little wall hanging, sadly it's a terrible photo.

The Monday temperatures soared to over 30 degrees and everyone retired for a siesta, Eric found me crashed out with Ruby one side and Gangley the other. Just what you need two fur coats LOl unusual though because it's normally Aflie and Mojo who join me for a nap LOL.

Photo of Shellie Kit and hounds (have edited out faces)

Alfie looking very regal

Mojo trying for cute

Their visits always pass so quickly and on Wednesday it was time to say goodbye.

Jim has had a funny incident, started Saturday evening, he was huffing and puffing and salivating so much his muzzle was soaked. We ended up taking him to the vets Sunday as he had gotten worse over night, vets weren't sure what wa going on but gave him a steroid injection and anti inflammatory injection and he seems a bit better.

In my opinion Ruby has been unwell for a few weeks, dropping weight and condition but each visit to vets found nothing wrong, yesterday she went for yearly jabs and the vet finally heard this wheeze/crackle I kept on hearing, he wasn't happy with it and took some bloods and gave ab's, so now we have to wait for results and see if they indicate what could be wrong. Ruby has dropped another 2.4kg in 3 weeks, feeling sick with worry for her! Ruby has ried very hard to be friends with Lucky but the ducks is a loner so now she's decided to attach herself to Jim and seems happier to have a special friend.

Going to crop Saturday and have loads of projects on the go, so might even have something to show soon LOL.


Sue said...

I am loving that wall hanging.

How nice that your dogs will lay with you. Song won't. My Jack Russel use to curl up next to me and it was like having a hot water bottle:)

Hope Jim keeps improving. Wonder if he was stung by something. Also hope you have good news about Ruby. Wonder if she has Diabetes or an over active thyroid. Thyroid levels in Greyhounds are different to other dogs. If your vet isn't a Greyhound vet, it might be worth mentioning that.

Have a fab time at the crop.

Winnie said...

Love the wall hanging and the pic of you sleeping with the hounds. Definitely one to scrap!