Thursday, 5 September 2013

Day 5 Foredon to Trefonen 23.5 miles

5th September 2013 - Day 5 Foredon to Trefonen 23.5 miles

Here's Marc's update on todays walking.

Cracking days walking in much cooler temperatures, further assisted by the flattest terrain of the walk. Followed the dyke for much of the morning (although King Offa really needs to have a word with his soldiers as its fallen into ruins in places!!)
Picturesque scenery and a good speed kept all 3 in good spirits
Ned got carried away during lunch time and went for a swim in the river (which turned a very mysterious colour! & apparently it was freezing, luckily for him he didn't get caught out by the strong current as neither Steve or I had any intention of going in)
A few climbs in the afternoon were easily overcome, never venturing over 1350ft
The weather turned cooler towards Trefonen and as we arrived the wind ripped up & it has just started to rain.

We will brave ourselves for whatever comes our way tomorrow!
Last difficult day tomorrow (24) miles so a little earlier start.
That's it for this eve apart from to thank all the people that have left comments they really do genuinely assist.  We do make it sound fun but on a more serious note this is a hard walk (I would suggest in hindsight another day would have made it easier) however all walkers we have met to date have planned out anywhere from 11-14 days, so 7.5 has brought some strange glances as well as some respectful glances
" we'll get it done"

 End of Marc's report........... and  some lovely photo's from today.

View from their room early this morning
 View from the hill fort of Beacon hill back down to Welsh pool
 Some fellow walkers travelling the opposite way take their photo
 Steve cracking on
 A nice shady spot by a river for Scarlett Bear to enjoy lunch
 Oops stray ball on golf course
 Criss crossing the English/Welsh border
 Following the canal for a few miles made for easy navigating
Link to Just giving for donations

Tomorrow is the last longggggggggg day at 24 miles, rain is forecast but as they are walking through Wales that's only to be expected


Sue said...

They are doing so well. Should think they'll need some time to recover.

What Remains Now said...

The boys do make it seem easy, but I know what a momentous task they are accomplishing.