On a happier note I have joined an existing team on UKS called The secret stash strokers, Jane who I met via DC started a thread on DC asking if anyone was interested about joining them and I decided now would be a good time to join a team with the DC closing. So I am looking forward to discovering what it's all about and getting to know my team mates.
Spent today scrapping with Dawn as per our usual Thursday routine. We decided to do a class kit we bought several months ago from Ness at Papermaze using alcohol inks. Of course we didn't have the right colours at home but we had fun. Dawn stuck to the class and produced a fab LO, I wanted to do some journaling on mine so went off in my own direction as usual and substituted some papers and didn't use the flowers but quite pleased with the end result.

The journaling explains "The long goodbye" every time Ben has to go home he walks out the back door runs a few paces then rushes back to give us a kiss, roars off through the gate, turns to wave goodbye again, takes a few more paces to the car then goes back to the gate to bend down and wave through it before eventually making his way to Vikki's car. The whole process can take quite some time.
Used the alcohol inks to colour the ghost flower and metal tag and also to create the mixed colours of the circle on gloss photo paper.

Right off to feed some hungry looking hounds!