Yesterday started off as just your normal kind of day, Vikki and Ben came over and we sat on the deck having a chat and playing with Ben, whilst the dogs sunbathed. Later on I had my usual nap with Rulu close by my side as always and then we watched some tennis again Rulu right next to me, situation normal. After Eric gave them their tea time walk, we had tea and Rulu helped me finish off my pud again situation normal and here's where it all goes wrong! Rulu sat up and gave me "The look" so I said I think she needs to be sick so Eric lifted her onto the floor and said common on Rulu lets go in the garden she took a few paces and collapsed. Eric got the car and I rang the vets to say we were rushing her in, by the time we got her to the car she was unconscious, we reached the vets within 10 minutes and they quickly put her on oxygen but she died a few minutes later.

I cannot believe after 12 years of always being my side she's gone. I know in my head if an animal has to leave this is the best way for them no months of pain and sickness but my heart is screaming out NO NO NO, I needed more time with her, I needed some warning to get used to life without my dear little Rulu. Eric is outside making her coffin and digging her a spot next to Rocky and Mac. I'm supposed to be going away at the weekend and my first thought was to cancel it but I need to go because it's breaking my heart being here without her, every move I make I expect her to be there. Here is Rulu's story.
7th June 1996 to 11th June 2008Little Rulu was born on the 7th June, her Mum Lulu and Dad Rocky were Mandy and our dogs, so within an hour of her being born I had had my first glimpse of this little brown fat bundle. As the weeks went by it was soon obvious that Rulu was the leader of the three pups, Benji who went to Mum and Spike who stayed with Mandy. At 7 weeks Lulu decided she had had enough of motherhood and so finally Rulu came home, Eric and I had taken two weeks off work to settle her in but were not expecting this little brown roly-poly puppy to come equipped with map, compass and grappling hook. We had placed a board between the kitchen and lounge to keep Rulu out and Rocky in until she was housetrained. Well poor Rocky couldn’t scramble over the board but Rulu scaled it with no problems. And so began our adventures with Rulu. She nearly ended up with the name Locky as I wanted her name to be a mix of Lulu and Rocky lucky for me Eric came up with Rulu! Although Rocky was her Dad Rulu soon assumed the role of Mother spending hours washing his ears until they sparkled.

Rulu was always full of energy and loved to go for long walks with Eric, and how many toys does one little girl need, Vikki used to collect Rulu toys from McDonalds and she loved to play with them throwing them into the air she was always such a playful puppy dog. When she was excited and barked it would sound like she was saying her name roo roo roo and used to make us all laugh.
We had so many good holidays in Norfolk with Rulu and Benji roaring round the beach terrorising poor Rocky, didn’t matter where Rocky stood they always managed to bowl him over.
When I was poorly, Rulu would spend hours laying on the bed keeping watch over me and would have to be taken outside to do her business before rushing back to me. And when I went out she would sit on the back of the sofa with her head pointing towards the window watching for my car, not moving from the spot until she saw me. Rulu was the best friend you could have, always loyal, fun and loving.
As the greyhounds started arriving it was Rulu who showed them the ropes and what was and wasn’t allowed, she was the boss and kept them all in line. Any leftover food was quickly claimed by Rulu diving under their long legs to get her share or sometimes even standing on the plate so the others couldn’t get any, small she may have been but that didn’t stop her.

Rulu’s favourite things in life were sunbathing, eating chicken, being fed lots of bones by Ben and cuddling up to me, all these things she did on her final day, had we known it was her last day with us we couldn’t have made it any more perfect than it was.

The though of life without our faithful loyal friend is unthinkable.