It's stopped raining yay !!!!! warm, overcast and humid but better than rain.
Well I have a pack of poorly dogs. Mac's lump turns out to be bone growing over the metal and causing a callous as removing the plate is not an option we're treating him with anti inflamatories and pain relief as and when he needs it. Jim who has had a pain in his neck/shoulder area for weeks is more serious than the muscle strain we suspected, at best he has a spine problem and at worst a tumour so he's on complete rest and we've had to pick up all his balls to try and restrict him playing and generally charging round like a loony. Lucky has for the 3rd time already this year gingivitis and is on AB's...
Been busy scrapping this week and have just completed two pages I have wanted to do for a long while. They are of Puddin our very first greyhound, Puddin was the beginning of our love for greyhounds and it's down to her that we have gone on to rescue 7 so far. Both layouts are based on Design Collective classes, I love the way they stretch me and take me in different directions.
This LO is from Kirsty Wiseman "break into digi"

And this one is from Suzanne Torr "working with less than perfect photo's"
I've also created the journaling from an idea from another of Suzanne's previous classes. Over the circle I have made an acetate circle and printed the title onto it and secured it with the button brads, hasn't turned out quite as well as I wanted but I think that's probably because it was such an important page for me to try and record plus I kept crying LOL.

The journaling reads as :
The year was 1999 and one morning I woke up and simply announced to Eric we need to rescue a GREYHOUND
Something that has gone on to change our lives forever and I simply can’t remember what I saw, or read to reach such a conclusion. With no knowledge of greyhounds at all (remember this was before the internet was widely available) I answered an ad in the local paper and found Nicola, a young single Mum who was trying to rescue as many of these beautiful dogs as she could. Puddin had been found wandering the streets with a young pup and so Nicola had taken them in. Puddin was suffering from pyometra (cancer of the womb)Nicola had nursed Puddin for months and had been told by the vet she was now ok, as soon as we saw her we could see she really wasn’t very well but it was to late, we had already fallen in love with her. Unfortunately within days of her coming home with us, we found a lump and our vet confirmed our worst fears the cancer had returned. We knew her time with us would be short but we were determined to give her the best we could and in those three and a half short weeks, we really did have fun, despite knowing she would soon be wrenched away from us.
We took her to pet city and boy did she make us proud as she stood and looked so
serene “a quiet oasis” amongst a storm of barking dogs. We adored her, as did
everyone who met her. She was so elegant, graceful and such a lady. No amount of
time would ever have been long enough! And when the time came for her to leave
us our hearts truly did break…
Puddin had left us with the thirst to acquire knowledge so we could go on and do whatever we could to rescue these beautiful dogs and to raise the awareness of the horrors they suffer.
Have all the family coming over Sunday to meet Marc's new girlfriend and to celebrate his new job, he's in the Police Force and has just landed himself his dream position but I guess I hadn't better say more than that...