Both Sandy and Jim have been to the vets and after a couple of weeks of sheer terror the vet is confident Sandy's lump is arthritic and not the bone cancer we had feared. Having lost both Dill and Mac to the bone cancer we are only to aware that once the lump appears there is really nothing that can be done and we were fearing the worst although Jim who seems to smell the cancer never once sniffed her lump so that gave us a tiny bit of hope. Anyway Sandy is on meds and restricted exercise for 10 days along with Jim who the vet thinks has a trapped nerve in his back. Poor Jim is a bit spaced out as he's on painkillers and DIAZEPAM LOL.
Made these little flowers on Monday to send to a friend for her birthday. Cut the flowers on the cricut using coredinations card stock then embossed them with the cuttlebug and then sanded them down.

This layout was done for the UKS weekly challenge set by Charli's angels. The challenge was
A - Any new stash - 5 points
N - Notes or journalling - 5 points
G - Glitter or Glitz - 5 points
E - Embellishments - 5 points
L - Lace - 5 points
S - Sewing of any kind - 5 points
The photo is of Marc aged 1 in 1979, I had booked a photographer to come to the house, poor chap was tearing his hair out trying to get a smile from Marc, so after 90 minutes of me and Mum leaping around like loonies waving his toys we finally got this sort of smile LOL. Papers are from Daisy Bucket "under the boardwalk" American thickers for the title and the journal shape, apple and love were cut on the cricut, other bits made on the PC.

Ben made me smile this week, he came in with me to get my blood test and sat very quiet taking it all in, when we came out he gently touched my arm and said "Nanny I love you you're so clever" Vikki called him a creep LOL but it made me smile all day.
Off to crop tomorrow woohoo!!!