Thought it was about time I did a proper round up LOL.
Jim is much better and has turned the corner, this morning he demanded to go out for a walk LOL. He's booked in to see the vet next week and will have his stitches removed from his pad then but he is now starting to put more weight on it thank goodness is back to his happy self.
Alfie, Lucky and Gangley are fine, although Gangley has had two baths this weekend. She dug up a bird Eric had buried and then proceeded to roll in it. She was duly bathed as the stench was awful and blow me found something else awful to roll in the next day.
After a very stressful week with the wrong carpet being delivered etc etc etc we now have carpet laid in the conservatory, porch and kitchen AND two lovely wicker sofa's..have to say it is beginning to look gorgeous and almost finished. Eric has worked his socks off all weekend, so the inside is pretty much down to me now to finish off. Of course I've had 10 months at least to come up with stuff for the walls and have yet to start LOL. But the cushions I designed and Mum made look fab!
I haven't actually done much scrapping as my hands continue to be bothersome but did finally finish this off at crop.

I'm very into distress inks and all things messy after going to a workshop at papermaze run by Carol a few Saturdays ago and that LO did have a very grungy inky border that I then one step to far with and it had to be cut right down and rescued. Even the photo had to be re printed as I managed to cover that in ink as well.
I've also been very busy in the greenhouse potting on all my little seedlings that seem to have survived my attentions and now have loads of busy Lizzie's, petunia's, geranium's, etc etc and so many tomato plants and herbs LOL.not sure where they'll all go but I've enjoyed myself.
So I'll finish with a photo of the conservatory empty of tools and just before the carpet went down and maybe I'll try to remember to take some photo's tonight of how it looks after I get all my lovely cushions out and have a play...