Did go out to lunch yesterday with Dawn and it was the first time I've left the house in over a week but was home by 1.15pm exhausted.
This is a layout I did on my weekend away. The photo is of Eric and Ben.

Ben just adores his Grandad and copies everything he does. We were at a BBQ at our son's, now Marc is completely obsessive about grass and 10 times worse with his own and would really have liked to stop us all going on the lawn but of course he couldn't, so just as we were about to leave Eric bent down and pretended to get the grass to stand back up and naturally Ben had to help.
The page is based on a class by Fiona Beckman of the Design Collective and is about different ways of hiding journaling. On this page there are two lots of hidden journaling, sometimes what you want to record may be personal and not right for everyone to read or other times it would spoil the look of a page. I wanted to record the story of Marc and his grass and Ben copying Eric but it would have detracted from the page, hence hiding it. Can you guess where.
Hope to meet up with Vikki and Ben tomorrow and just generally have a chilled out weekend.