Christmas ended up being very subdued for us what with losing Mac we thought that was as bad as it could get but Christmas Day poor Jim ended up having emergency surgery, Eric had let him off lead for a treat in 150 acres of enclosed land and what did he do but try to run through a cattle grid and tore his leg down to bare bone. So the day was spent anxiously waiting on a call from the vets. Luckily for us little Ben arrived and cheered us up. He was so in to handing out the presents and opening most of them that he took our minds off Jim for a short while.
Jim faces months of recovery with visits every other day to the vets to have dressings changed and may still require further surgery.
Tonight we will as usually spend the night at home with the hounds as they get so frightened with fireworks going off. We plan to watch Shrek 3 and pig out on sweeties. Not that I should, scales have been very unkind to me!
New years resolutions, to make decisions on where to hang pictures and photo's that have sat on the floor in the study gathering dust for to long, to crack on with getting the conservatory built and to sort out the garage that contains boxes from the last two house moves. It's a huge double garage with workshop and is stuffed full.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.
Monday, 31 December 2007
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
To-day Mac peacefully and with great dignity made his way to the bridge. This is his story.

12 April 1997 to 18 December 2007
Mac was born in Ireland and named Coin Machine for reasons unknown he never became a racer and his early history is not known. In February 2005 Mac made his way into the care of Greyhound Gap and had several foster homes before eventually being re homed. Unfortunately an existing dog in the family started to bully Mac and the family had to make the sad decision to return Mac to Greyhound Gap. We had just contacted Gap with a view to fostering and a few days later Eric made his way to Kettering to collect Mac. What a sorry looking little man he was with his legs and paws all chewed up with nerves.
It became obvious very quickly that Mac was suffering from separation anxiety, which meant he was very unsettled and howled the place down if left alone. With Lisa’s (founder of Gap) help we started trying to sort out the SA, one suggestion was to put Mac in a separate room with a bone for a few minutes with a view to building up the amount of time he was left, great idea and might have worked if Jim didn’t keep opening the door and letting Mac out.

Mac had only been here a few days when playing with Jim in the garden their heads clashed and Mac’s head was punctured by Jim’s tooth and of course it became infected, oh the shame of having to contact Lisa and tell her we’d broken a gap dog, but worse was to come. A few weeks later, Eric was walking the dogs on lead when he heard a crack like a twig breaking but it wasn’t a twig it was Mac’s leg. Eric rang me up on his mobile and I quickly drove the car up to the field whilst Eric struggled to carry Mac back. He was rushed to the vets and after x-rays it was discovered his leg had just fallen to pieces. We were so lucky on two counts, first that Lisa insisted on his leg being mended and not amputated which was the cheaper option and secondly that Tom the vet was even prepared to try such a huge operation. Gap swung into fund raising mode to raise the £2,500 that was needed and Tom ordered the huge plate and pins needed to put Mac’s leg back together. There followed months of recovering for Mac and ear bashings for me every time Eric walked the other dogs’ boy did he howl and let me know he wasn’t amused!

Mac being the strong willed fighter amazed everyone with his recovery and by the time he got the all clear we were far to attached to him and he to us to ever let him go and so he became a permanent part of our family.
Mac was the funniest of hounds, very vocal and his eyebrows would move around as he spoke to us, his idea of playing was to bark loudly whilst spinning on the spot, something Eric tried to capture on film but as soon as Mac would hear the ping of the camcorder go on he would stop still and freeze. He also had this way of laying on his back whilst throwing his legs round as though he was air cycling, again Eric has spent many hours trying to capture Mac in action with very little to show for all his effort. Mac was always one step ahead of the game.
When Vikki was pregnant Mac became totally obsessed by her and would get hold of her arm and drag her to a sofa, then spend hours sitting with his head on her bump. As soon as little Ben our Grandson was born he completely lost interest in Vikki, but loved the little baby and was so gentle with him.
If Mac had been a human he would have been like Frank Muir with a dickey bow tie, or James Bond, oh how he loved the ladies and you could just picture him saying “well hello ladies, the names Mac, Mac Bond” we called Mac many things, Mac Man, HRH Mac after his beautiful ermine coat and other not so complimentary names.

Mac has a huge character and assumed everyone he met would love him and mostly they did. If he was off lead and he saw a dog he would run over and introduce himself and had been known many times to disappear off with their owners, no loyalty to us. Best of all Mac loved to go off out with Eric in the car, didn’t matter where or why he just loved to go out in the car with his Dad.
To say we all fell under Mac’s spell is an understatement, we adored him as hopefully he did us. We will miss Mac more than words can ever explain. It has been a pleasure and an honour to share the last two and a half years with you Mac man.
Sleep tight Mac
Run free with no more pain. Little Rocky dog will be there to meet you and introduce you to Dill, Poppit and Puddin, they will be your new pack until we meet again.
Loving you always Mum and Dad. Rulu, Sandy, Jim and Lucky.

12 April 1997 to 18 December 2007
Mac was born in Ireland and named Coin Machine for reasons unknown he never became a racer and his early history is not known. In February 2005 Mac made his way into the care of Greyhound Gap and had several foster homes before eventually being re homed. Unfortunately an existing dog in the family started to bully Mac and the family had to make the sad decision to return Mac to Greyhound Gap. We had just contacted Gap with a view to fostering and a few days later Eric made his way to Kettering to collect Mac. What a sorry looking little man he was with his legs and paws all chewed up with nerves.
It became obvious very quickly that Mac was suffering from separation anxiety, which meant he was very unsettled and howled the place down if left alone. With Lisa’s (founder of Gap) help we started trying to sort out the SA, one suggestion was to put Mac in a separate room with a bone for a few minutes with a view to building up the amount of time he was left, great idea and might have worked if Jim didn’t keep opening the door and letting Mac out.

Mac had only been here a few days when playing with Jim in the garden their heads clashed and Mac’s head was punctured by Jim’s tooth and of course it became infected, oh the shame of having to contact Lisa and tell her we’d broken a gap dog, but worse was to come. A few weeks later, Eric was walking the dogs on lead when he heard a crack like a twig breaking but it wasn’t a twig it was Mac’s leg. Eric rang me up on his mobile and I quickly drove the car up to the field whilst Eric struggled to carry Mac back. He was rushed to the vets and after x-rays it was discovered his leg had just fallen to pieces. We were so lucky on two counts, first that Lisa insisted on his leg being mended and not amputated which was the cheaper option and secondly that Tom the vet was even prepared to try such a huge operation. Gap swung into fund raising mode to raise the £2,500 that was needed and Tom ordered the huge plate and pins needed to put Mac’s leg back together. There followed months of recovering for Mac and ear bashings for me every time Eric walked the other dogs’ boy did he howl and let me know he wasn’t amused!

Mac being the strong willed fighter amazed everyone with his recovery and by the time he got the all clear we were far to attached to him and he to us to ever let him go and so he became a permanent part of our family.
Mac was the funniest of hounds, very vocal and his eyebrows would move around as he spoke to us, his idea of playing was to bark loudly whilst spinning on the spot, something Eric tried to capture on film but as soon as Mac would hear the ping of the camcorder go on he would stop still and freeze. He also had this way of laying on his back whilst throwing his legs round as though he was air cycling, again Eric has spent many hours trying to capture Mac in action with very little to show for all his effort. Mac was always one step ahead of the game.
When Vikki was pregnant Mac became totally obsessed by her and would get hold of her arm and drag her to a sofa, then spend hours sitting with his head on her bump. As soon as little Ben our Grandson was born he completely lost interest in Vikki, but loved the little baby and was so gentle with him.
If Mac had been a human he would have been like Frank Muir with a dickey bow tie, or James Bond, oh how he loved the ladies and you could just picture him saying “well hello ladies, the names Mac, Mac Bond” we called Mac many things, Mac Man, HRH Mac after his beautiful ermine coat and other not so complimentary names.

Mac has a huge character and assumed everyone he met would love him and mostly they did. If he was off lead and he saw a dog he would run over and introduce himself and had been known many times to disappear off with their owners, no loyalty to us. Best of all Mac loved to go off out with Eric in the car, didn’t matter where or why he just loved to go out in the car with his Dad.
To say we all fell under Mac’s spell is an understatement, we adored him as hopefully he did us. We will miss Mac more than words can ever explain. It has been a pleasure and an honour to share the last two and a half years with you Mac man.
Sleep tight Mac
Run free with no more pain. Little Rocky dog will be there to meet you and introduce you to Dill, Poppit and Puddin, they will be your new pack until we meet again.
Loving you always Mum and Dad. Rulu, Sandy, Jim and Lucky.

Monday, 17 December 2007
Mac and his pack have been on the receiving end of some parcel's bearing goodies, thank you so much to Shellie and Lorraine our friends from greyhound gap.

Please note the tiny black greyhound on the back of the sofa, that's for me from Lorraine and named Herbie after one of Lorraine's lovely dogs. Lucky wants to eat it LOL.

Not such a great night with Mac last night and he's off colour today, Lucky is on the mend and we have a mouse, well I'm hoping it's a mouse and not something bigger. First heard a few days ago in the loft but last night it started to chew it's way through the airing cupboard door in the kitchen. The price you pay for living next to fields I suppose and not the first time I might add. When we first moved out here and discovered them in the garage we bought humane traps with the idea of releasing the little critters much to the villagers amusement we've since learnt they just come back and destroy everything in their path. Last time they destroyed and I mean destroyed Christmas decorations in the garage and moved a very large bag of fish food into a leather satchel Eric had for work tools. Lord knows what's got it this time.

Please note the tiny black greyhound on the back of the sofa, that's for me from Lorraine and named Herbie after one of Lorraine's lovely dogs. Lucky wants to eat it LOL.

Not such a great night with Mac last night and he's off colour today, Lucky is on the mend and we have a mouse, well I'm hoping it's a mouse and not something bigger. First heard a few days ago in the loft but last night it started to chew it's way through the airing cupboard door in the kitchen. The price you pay for living next to fields I suppose and not the first time I might add. When we first moved out here and discovered them in the garage we bought humane traps with the idea of releasing the little critters much to the villagers amusement we've since learnt they just come back and destroy everything in their path. Last time they destroyed and I mean destroyed Christmas decorations in the garage and moved a very large bag of fish food into a leather satchel Eric had for work tools. Lord knows what's got it this time.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Lucky ducks
Lucky went into the vets Friday morning for what we thought would be a routine dental and to have a loose tooth out, to my horror Tom (the vet rang) half way through the op to tell me Lucky was suffering from an auto immune disease causing inapproaiate swelling of the gums, hence all the infections she's has this year despite having two full dentals. She ended up having 14 teeth removed! and of course we still have the problem of the actual disease to sort out.
Vets bill for Mac on Monday and Lucky on Friday £ 711 ouch! hope their insurances pick some of it up.
Mac to our utter and amazement and joy is doing well, he's happy, and enjoying little walks. Tom when telling me about Lucky asked how Mac was and was as shocked as us that he's doing so well. Of course he's playing us to perfection, having brekkie in bed then leaps up and hops into the kitchen to polish off the leftovers. He's no fool!
Eric persuaded me to go to crop yesterday as we both felt I needed some time out and despite feeling under par (probably all the stress) I had a good time. And last night we actually got some much needed sleep as Mac only went out for a tinkle once and then had to eat as he is constantly hungry now and Lucky slept all night, probably exhausted as she didn't get much sleep Friday night with all the pain.
My car passed it's MOT after Eric got a new tyre for it, mind you he's still not convinced it should have failed in the first place LOL. So for the first time in over a week stress levels have dropped a bit so I shall pop out to Tesco's and get some Christmas fare in.
Thank you to everyone who has sent Mac so many goodies in the post.
Vets bill for Mac on Monday and Lucky on Friday £ 711 ouch! hope their insurances pick some of it up.
Mac to our utter and amazement and joy is doing well, he's happy, and enjoying little walks. Tom when telling me about Lucky asked how Mac was and was as shocked as us that he's doing so well. Of course he's playing us to perfection, having brekkie in bed then leaps up and hops into the kitchen to polish off the leftovers. He's no fool!
Eric persuaded me to go to crop yesterday as we both felt I needed some time out and despite feeling under par (probably all the stress) I had a good time. And last night we actually got some much needed sleep as Mac only went out for a tinkle once and then had to eat as he is constantly hungry now and Lucky slept all night, probably exhausted as she didn't get much sleep Friday night with all the pain.
My car passed it's MOT after Eric got a new tyre for it, mind you he's still not convinced it should have failed in the first place LOL. So for the first time in over a week stress levels have dropped a bit so I shall pop out to Tesco's and get some Christmas fare in.
Thank you to everyone who has sent Mac so many goodies in the post.
Friday, 14 December 2007
Mac update
Well despite my fears Mac is still happy and comfortable, he has started to lose some body condition and is very hungry but that may be down to the steroid shot he had Monday. We've started him on Essiac a herbal tea recommended to us by a fellow gapper and also some herbal potions we bought for Dill that have been returned to us by another gapper. We are trying very hard to act normal around Mac after all he's doesn't know he's sick and the last thing we want is to stress him out by crying all the time. The other dogs however do know something is wrong and are all very quiet and withdrawn. Lucky is at the vets today for a dental and at least one tooth out so very quiet here without her.
Thank you to everyone who has sent Mac parcels which arrive daily, "he is a celebrity on gap" after all LOL.
Happy Birthday Dad love you.
Thank you to everyone who has sent Mac parcels which arrive daily, "he is a celebrity on gap" after all LOL.
Happy Birthday Dad love you.
Monday, 10 December 2007
No miracle
no hope no treatment no options.
Mac has a sarcoma tumour on the site of the original break and secondary tumours in his chest.
He's coming home now and we will make him comfortable for as long as possible for what short time he has left, days not weeks.
Mac has a sarcoma tumour on the site of the original break and secondary tumours in his chest.
He's coming home now and we will make him comfortable for as long as possible for what short time he has left, days not weeks.
Praying for a miracle
First off I would like to thank everyone who has sent Mac good wishes and me birthday wishes. I got a crop a dile yay ! and had a nice if tearful day.
Mac has had a rough night, unable to get comfortable and the pain has ramped up. He's off his food and was unsure whether to go out for a ride with his dad this morning but in the end went. The lump is so big it is now affecting the mechanics of his leg and he is unable to get the paw on the floor. I've rang the vets this morning a) to book Lucky in for a dental on Friday as she has a lose tooth and it needs to come out before she gets yet another infection and to ask Tom the vet to ring me. Mac is booked in for x rays Friday because that is the day Tom is operating and we are obviously hoping the xray will show something up that can be fixed. But the way things look this morning I doubt whether Mac will make it to Friday.
To say our heats are breaking doesn't come close, please pray for Mac and the miracle we so desperatley seek.
Vets have rung and are going to xray this afternoon.......
Mac has had a rough night, unable to get comfortable and the pain has ramped up. He's off his food and was unsure whether to go out for a ride with his dad this morning but in the end went. The lump is so big it is now affecting the mechanics of his leg and he is unable to get the paw on the floor. I've rang the vets this morning a) to book Lucky in for a dental on Friday as she has a lose tooth and it needs to come out before she gets yet another infection and to ask Tom the vet to ring me. Mac is booked in for x rays Friday because that is the day Tom is operating and we are obviously hoping the xray will show something up that can be fixed. But the way things look this morning I doubt whether Mac will make it to Friday.
To say our heats are breaking doesn't come close, please pray for Mac and the miracle we so desperatley seek.
Vets have rung and are going to xray this afternoon.......
Saturday, 8 December 2007
Good thoughts needed

Mac has been to the vets today and I'm so sad!
After lengthy discussions it has been decided to x-ray Mac under GA on Friday to try and see exactly what is going on with the lump. It was x-rayed a few months ago and the vet thought it was bone, growing like a callous over the plate and pins he had put in after the leg fell to pieces two years ago. He has extremely stiff hips to add to his problems. Normally the vet would want to amputate at this point but it isn't an option for Mac who with his stiff hips and age simply wouldn't be able to cope. The vet also thinks to open the lump up would be opening a can of worms, does this mean he now thinks the tumour has become cancerous? are we to lose another of our beloved greys to the blasted bone caner?. Vet thinks the only option even before seeing the x-ray is to keep him as comfortable as possible for as long as possible. How long is that?
We are reeling from the visit today and simply can't think of a way out of this for Mac. Can't face putting the tree up tonight that's for sure, just want to crawl into a hole and howl. Will have to try and pull myself together tomorrow as lots of family visiting for my birthday.
Please send all good thoughts to this very very special grey. Mac has endured so much and deserves to be healthy, happy and grow old disgracefully.
Friday, 7 December 2007
Been to the hospital to see the surgeon this morning, oh what a performance that was. Appointment was for 9.50 got there a tad early and finally got to see the great man at 11.50 can you believe I was really fed up by then BUT the good news is he's very happy with the wrist and I can stop wearing the splint except when it gets a bit achy then just put it on for support. So tonight my hand can go to bed NAKED woohoo.
We had really high winds overnight and they're forecast all weekend so may have to put off putting the outside Christmas lights off for another day or two. It was so bad this morning the ships bell we have at the back gate kept ringing all by itself. Drove the dogs mad LOL. Going to try and put the tree up tomorrow evening. Have to pop into town in the morning and hopefully finish off buy Christmas presents. I don't know why I get so stressed as there's never been a year when it doesn't all get done.
A friend at last months crop brought a photocopy of a pattern to make a little Christmas house to fill with pot porri, I've made a couple but they didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped but they're quite cute.

Quite a few friends on DC are doing Christmas journals which are beautiful but beats me where they find the time, I'm having enough trouble finishing certain things LOL.
Have a good weekend everyone and keep paws crossed for Mac tomorrow pleaseeee.
We had really high winds overnight and they're forecast all weekend so may have to put off putting the outside Christmas lights off for another day or two. It was so bad this morning the ships bell we have at the back gate kept ringing all by itself. Drove the dogs mad LOL. Going to try and put the tree up tomorrow evening. Have to pop into town in the morning and hopefully finish off buy Christmas presents. I don't know why I get so stressed as there's never been a year when it doesn't all get done.
A friend at last months crop brought a photocopy of a pattern to make a little Christmas house to fill with pot porri, I've made a couple but they didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped but they're quite cute.

Quite a few friends on DC are doing Christmas journals which are beautiful but beats me where they find the time, I'm having enough trouble finishing certain things LOL.
Have a good weekend everyone and keep paws crossed for Mac tomorrow pleaseeee.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Busy busy busy
That's me, trying to finish Christmas presents as well as the usual christmas shopping there is just not enough hours in the day LOL. Had my usual scrap day with Dawn today and managed to finish off two pahes, complete from start to finish another and even make a start on another phew! that's good going for me as I am the slowest scrapper I know. Of course my hand is now hurting like hell but it was worth it. Seeing the surgeon tomorrow, fingers crossed it goes well.
Made this birthday card for little Ben, he'll be two on the 21st December, he's just the sweetest most adorable little chap, yeah I know gushing Nanny LOL.

I saw it in papercraft inspirations mag, don't usually buy it but fell in love with this and had fun making it. Don't suppose anyone else will get it but me "two by two" but it made me smile.
Birthday cards have started arriving for me (Sunday) and strangely I'm not excited must be because it's the one before the biggy, getting to close for comfort.
Mac and Rulu are stillpoorly and Mac's lump is growing at an alarming rate, worried doesn't come close. We're fairly sure it will have to be xrayed again but that of course means another GA...... worry worry worry!
Made this birthday card for little Ben, he'll be two on the 21st December, he's just the sweetest most adorable little chap, yeah I know gushing Nanny LOL.

I saw it in papercraft inspirations mag, don't usually buy it but fell in love with this and had fun making it. Don't suppose anyone else will get it but me "two by two" but it made me smile.
Birthday cards have started arriving for me (Sunday) and strangely I'm not excited must be because it's the one before the biggy, getting to close for comfort.
Mac and Rulu are stillpoorly and Mac's lump is growing at an alarming rate, worried doesn't come close. We're fairly sure it will have to be xrayed again but that of course means another GA...... worry worry worry!
Monday, 3 December 2007
Ambition achieved
Ever since Vikki started her driving lessons in April she had it in her mind that she wanted to drive over and pick us up to see the Christmas lights being switched on AND that's exactly what she did on Friday evening.

We had a lovely time despite the miserable weather and this year Ben stayed awake LOL. Of course me and Ben had to share some candy floss and he obviously takes after me for getting in a real mess.

Mac is slightly better but his lump is now huge so he's booked to see the vet Saturday and Rulu is still struggling but not in so much discomfort thank goodness.
Busy week, have physion Tuesday and going to see the surgeon Friday for post op report.

We had a lovely time despite the miserable weather and this year Ben stayed awake LOL. Of course me and Ben had to share some candy floss and he obviously takes after me for getting in a real mess.

Mac is slightly better but his lump is now huge so he's booked to see the vet Saturday and Rulu is still struggling but not in so much discomfort thank goodness.
Busy week, have physion Tuesday and going to see the surgeon Friday for post op report.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Change of pills
Spoke to the vets Tuesday and as the steroids Mac was on didn't have any really big impact we have now changed to PLT's, and he already seems much improved but poor little Rulu is still really struggling. I hate her being poorly and it's a horrible reminder that time has marched on and she's an old lady now.
No scrapping today, Dawn has dumped me to go shopping in Norwich! still struggling to finish the last few Christmas cards and want to make DGS Ben's birthday card as well, seen a lovely card in papercraft inspirations that I want to try and do for him. Is it my imagination or has someone pinched some hours off he days...
Yesterday I received the next CJ in our circle. I now have Jane's beautiful CJ, her theme is "My home town" will have to have a think on this but there's plenty of time as we don't post again until 8th January.
Had Vikki and Ben over yesterday, boy is it odd not having to pick them up from the train station LOL. Ben was on top form and when we sat down to lunch his Grandad was late so he yelled "Grandad where are you" had me and Vikki in stitches. There coming over for tea Friday then we're taking Ben into town to see the Christmas lights switched on.
DS Marc popped over this morning to show me his gorgeous new car a Peugot 407, doubt I'll ever be allowed in it though far to clean and posh LOL.
No scrapping today, Dawn has dumped me to go shopping in Norwich! still struggling to finish the last few Christmas cards and want to make DGS Ben's birthday card as well, seen a lovely card in papercraft inspirations that I want to try and do for him. Is it my imagination or has someone pinched some hours off he days...
Yesterday I received the next CJ in our circle. I now have Jane's beautiful CJ, her theme is "My home town" will have to have a think on this but there's plenty of time as we don't post again until 8th January.
Had Vikki and Ben over yesterday, boy is it odd not having to pick them up from the train station LOL. Ben was on top form and when we sat down to lunch his Grandad was late so he yelled "Grandad where are you" had me and Vikki in stitches. There coming over for tea Friday then we're taking Ben into town to see the Christmas lights switched on.
DS Marc popped over this morning to show me his gorgeous new car a Peugot 407, doubt I'll ever be allowed in it though far to clean and posh LOL.
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Ain't no stopping her now
Today Vikki (DD) passed her driving test at the first attempt!!!! unbelievably proud am I.... already she's insured the little Clio we bought her, filled up with petrol been out with hubby and Ben, who kept saying Mummy drive Mummy car LOL. Then dropped them off and drove over to her brothers in the dark and rush hour. WAY TO GO VIKKI...........
Slight improvement with Mac and at least he's going out on his walks again, have to ring vets tomorrow to discuss steroids etc.
Little Rulu is really down, her back problem which occasionally rears it's head is back and she can't jump and hasn't been out with the pack for 3 days. She looks so sad and pained... makes me feel so helpless when the dogs are poorly.
Tried to keep busy this morning whilst Vikki was taking her test so made a yummy chocolate crunchy thing fridge not oven job LOL and worked on my entry for Sharon's CJ was going very well until I broke my craft robo blade BUMMER!
Hospital yesterday, now have a silicone gel patch to wear over the scar at night time, apparently it will rehydrate the area and help stop the scar pulling tight and maybe ease the pain. Don't have to go back for two weeks woohooo!!!!
Slight improvement with Mac and at least he's going out on his walks again, have to ring vets tomorrow to discuss steroids etc.
Little Rulu is really down, her back problem which occasionally rears it's head is back and she can't jump and hasn't been out with the pack for 3 days. She looks so sad and pained... makes me feel so helpless when the dogs are poorly.
Tried to keep busy this morning whilst Vikki was taking her test so made a yummy chocolate crunchy thing fridge not oven job LOL and worked on my entry for Sharon's CJ was going very well until I broke my craft robo blade BUMMER!
Hospital yesterday, now have a silicone gel patch to wear over the scar at night time, apparently it will rehydrate the area and help stop the scar pulling tight and maybe ease the pain. Don't have to go back for two weeks woohooo!!!!
Friday, 16 November 2007
Mac update
This morning for the first time ever Mac almost didn't go on his walk! we couldn't believe it and were so relieved when he changed his mind at the last moment. Vet has now put him on steroids for 5 days to see if we can get him feeling more comfortable and then see how he is mid week... Supposed to have been getting bits together for crop today but just couldn't settle, felt like crying all morning. It's so awful to see him being worn down by the pain and discomfort, even when his leg was in pieces he still kicked up a fuss when he wasn't allowed to go for walks which was what made this morning so distressing.
Took comfort in the kitchen instead and baked lots of goodies LOL....
This picture was taken some weeks after the op to plate and pin his leg, he had every colour of the rainbow in bandages but decided pink was best cos it attracted the ladies LOL...

Anyway here's hoping Mac starts to feel better and quickly...
Took comfort in the kitchen instead and baked lots of goodies LOL....
This picture was taken some weeks after the op to plate and pin his leg, he had every colour of the rainbow in bandages but decided pink was best cos it attracted the ladies LOL...

Anyway here's hoping Mac starts to feel better and quickly...
Thursday, 15 November 2007
New splint
Hospital again yesterday, more physio and a new lighter splint woohoo !!! and it's a different material which won't sweat so much AND it's sort of flesh colour, the old one was heavy and bright blue yuk talk drawing attention to yourself it was horrible. Anyway wrist is getting better but still pain and swelling over the knuckles soooo back again next week.ho hum....
Finished making my Christmas cards today just have to put the inserts in now then apart from writing them they're done and dusted. Another tick off the list.
Waiting on the vet to ring as Mac is really struggling. Apart from the fact he has a metal rod and 20 odd pins in his leg and a huge lump of bone growing over one of the pins he also has very stiff hips. He's been really having a miserable time for the last 2 weeks, went to the vets Friday and changed his medication but it's not made much difference so hopefully they can suggest something else. Fortunately Tom was the vet who made the very brave decision to plate and pin his leg after it just broke in several places rather than amputate, he's very fond of Mac and is as upset and concerned as we are.
Going to try and prep some LO's tomorrow for first post op crop on Saturday.
Finished making my Christmas cards today just have to put the inserts in now then apart from writing them they're done and dusted. Another tick off the list.
Waiting on the vet to ring as Mac is really struggling. Apart from the fact he has a metal rod and 20 odd pins in his leg and a huge lump of bone growing over one of the pins he also has very stiff hips. He's been really having a miserable time for the last 2 weeks, went to the vets Friday and changed his medication but it's not made much difference so hopefully they can suggest something else. Fortunately Tom was the vet who made the very brave decision to plate and pin his leg after it just broke in several places rather than amputate, he's very fond of Mac and is as upset and concerned as we are.
Going to try and prep some LO's tomorrow for first post op crop on Saturday.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
I did it !!!!
I drove my car this morning yay !!!!! good job it's an automatic because there's no way I could change gears but oh the joys of just popping to Tesco's on my own woohooo... actually it's only 5 minutes away but the point is it's another thing I can do, bet you're all laughing at me for getting so excited at going to Tesco's LOL.
Mum and Dad popped over this morning and it was lovely to see them, usually I try and go over on a Sunday but of course haven't been able to and with everyone having this rotten cold that's doing the rounds I've been a bit isolated from family.. Vikki and Ben now have it...
Going to spend the rest of the day making Christmas cards, although having just seen the gorgeous one's in Tesco's not really sure why I bother but apparently people are disappointed if they don't received handmade cards LOL be a bit of shock this year as normally I make beautiful 3d decoupage cards but this years are very very simple but I rather like them.
Mum and Dad popped over this morning and it was lovely to see them, usually I try and go over on a Sunday but of course haven't been able to and with everyone having this rotten cold that's doing the rounds I've been a bit isolated from family.. Vikki and Ben now have it...
Going to spend the rest of the day making Christmas cards, although having just seen the gorgeous one's in Tesco's not really sure why I bother but apparently people are disappointed if they don't received handmade cards LOL be a bit of shock this year as normally I make beautiful 3d decoupage cards but this years are very very simple but I rather like them.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
At last
At last there seems to be some improvement with the wrist/hand. Tuesday was just out and out awful, blasted pain drove me bonkers but yesterday was a much better day and I managed to do some baking and today I've got my hair tied up. Doesn't sound much I know but it's been driving me crazy LOL..
Going to have our usual scrap day with Dawn today hooray....
AND big news little Ben slept in a bed last night for the first time. Well not quite all night he got up at 4am and asked for his breakfast, poor Vikki, by 8am she already sounded shattered!!!! oh the joys of motherhood...
Going to have our usual scrap day with Dawn today hooray....
AND big news little Ben slept in a bed last night for the first time. Well not quite all night he got up at 4am and asked for his breakfast, poor Vikki, by 8am she already sounded shattered!!!! oh the joys of motherhood...
Monday, 5 November 2007
Yet another hospital appt.
Been back to the hospital today The good news is I had the dressing removed, stitches haven't disolved yet but wound is healing really well. The not so good news is there is more swelling and pain than they would have expected and my knuckles have seized up. Well there wasn't a whole lot of movement in them before and I guess 2 1/2 weeks of not using them has caused the problem (at least that's what I'm hoping physio did look more worried than I would have liked. More gentle exercises and now we have to massage the scar area a couple of times a day, which apparently will help de sensetise the area which I can't bear being touched at the moment and also help with the internal healing process. The physio has cut the splint down and remoulded it so hopefully it will be more comfortable. Back in another ten days ho hum. My entire social life is visiting the hospital LOL...
Friday, 2 November 2007
was two weeks since "op" and I scrapped woohooo !!!!
OK it was a very simple LO but oh the joy to be back scrapping and Dawn was pretty happy too. The weather was beautiful and we sat outside and had lunch, unbelievable! can't share my LO with you as I don't want someone who may lurk to see it LOL.
Not got much done today, one of those days where everything you touch goes wrong ho hum !, Going to town tomorrow with Dawn and meeting Vikki and Ben who will come back here for lunch. Heard Ben talking in the background whilst on the telephone to Vik this morning "all gone Mummy" (his breakfast) really clear it was and not yet two
Karen has tagged me so here goes
1. If you could have £100 worth of scrapbook paper or assorted embellishments, which would you choose?
hhmmm embellies I think as I seldom buy them having got my craft robo under the guise of making everything myself besides which I have a ton of paper.
2. If you had to choose between using only stamps or rubons, which would you choose?
Well I love stamps but would probably go for rub ons because they are quicker and cleaner.
3. If you knew how to do both awesome cards and layouts but could only do one for a whole year...which would you do?
No competition ... layouts for sure
4. Would you rather own a scrapbooking store or have your own scrapping room at home?
In our previous house I had the box room as my craft room and loved it, these days I share the study with DH who doesn't do GLITTER so I would have to have my own scrapbooking room.
5. And last but not least, what is your CURRENT cardmaking or scrapping style?
I really don't think I have as yet my own style but I do love to use buttons and ribbons...
I'll have to have a think on who to tag...
Have a great weekend everyone...
OK it was a very simple LO but oh the joy to be back scrapping and Dawn was pretty happy too. The weather was beautiful and we sat outside and had lunch, unbelievable! can't share my LO with you as I don't want someone who may lurk to see it LOL.
Not got much done today, one of those days where everything you touch goes wrong ho hum !, Going to town tomorrow with Dawn and meeting Vikki and Ben who will come back here for lunch. Heard Ben talking in the background whilst on the telephone to Vik this morning "all gone Mummy" (his breakfast) really clear it was and not yet two
Karen has tagged me so here goes
1. If you could have £100 worth of scrapbook paper or assorted embellishments, which would you choose?
hhmmm embellies I think as I seldom buy them having got my craft robo under the guise of making everything myself besides which I have a ton of paper.
2. If you had to choose between using only stamps or rubons, which would you choose?
Well I love stamps but would probably go for rub ons because they are quicker and cleaner.
3. If you knew how to do both awesome cards and layouts but could only do one for a whole year...which would you do?
No competition ... layouts for sure
4. Would you rather own a scrapbooking store or have your own scrapping room at home?
In our previous house I had the box room as my craft room and loved it, these days I share the study with DH who doesn't do GLITTER so I would have to have my own scrapbooking room.
5. And last but not least, what is your CURRENT cardmaking or scrapping style?
I really don't think I have as yet my own style but I do love to use buttons and ribbons...
I'll have to have a think on who to tag...
Have a great weekend everyone...
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
The Design Collective Sixers CJ
Well today is the day when the 10 ladies in our sixer CJ circle post our CJ's off on their journey. For those who might not know what this is ..... a brief explanation LOL
We each make a small album and chose a theme, make a double page for own journal then we post to the next person in the circle, who in turn makes a double page and so on. Eventually in July 2009 my CJ will return to me with 9 ladies from the Design Collective having made pages in it for me. I in turn to the same to their CJ's. So I've posted mine off today to Nina and in a few days should received Sharon's CJ for me to do my pages in hers. Makes sense, no I struggled as well but it's becoming clear.

The front is made using blonde moments papers and lots of ribbons. I cut the title on the CR and triple embossed.
This is the welcome page and "my rules" pages

Next my double page, of course "MY PASSION" is greyhounds, no surprises there LOL!

These are the sign in pages and I've created little tags in envelopes for the girls to sign and add any info they would like..

Tomorrow I'm going to attempt a scrap day with Dawn, having missed 2 because of "op" Dawn feels that's enough and it's time normal service was restored LOL....
We each make a small album and chose a theme, make a double page for own journal then we post to the next person in the circle, who in turn makes a double page and so on. Eventually in July 2009 my CJ will return to me with 9 ladies from the Design Collective having made pages in it for me. I in turn to the same to their CJ's. So I've posted mine off today to Nina and in a few days should received Sharon's CJ for me to do my pages in hers. Makes sense, no I struggled as well but it's becoming clear.

The front is made using blonde moments papers and lots of ribbons. I cut the title on the CR and triple embossed.
This is the welcome page and "my rules" pages

Next my double page, of course "MY PASSION" is greyhounds, no surprises there LOL!

These are the sign in pages and I've created little tags in envelopes for the girls to sign and add any info they would like..

Tomorrow I'm going to attempt a scrap day with Dawn, having missed 2 because of "op" Dawn feels that's enough and it's time normal service was restored LOL....
Monday, 29 October 2007
Paying the price
Well I had a lovely weekend but boy am I paying the price of it today! shattered and hand hurts like hell from over doing it.
It was just fantastic to see Vikki and Ben on Saturday, Ben who isn't two until December walked in carrying a bunch of flowers which he then gave me with a kiss! talk about melting your heart. We went for a little walk over the road to the children's play park which he loves, then came home and Vikki made lunch for us as Eric was busy outside working on his trailer. I say trailer but actually it started out as a dilapidated horse box he bought for fifty quid, apparently with all the building stuff he needs to do the base for the conservatory it is cheaper to collect then have delivered, hence the need for a trailer. Anyway we all teased him terribly but have to admit it now looks like a trailer and is almost finished. First trip is to the scrap yard with the top of the horse box and he expects to get 50 quid for all the metal, so guess he has the last laugh! and even better he should be ready to start digging out the foundations soon.
Sunday I finally plucked up the courage to wash my hair, boy it took forever with one hand but is now lovely and clean. Then Dawn picked me up and off we went to the craft shop, even though Dawn carried all my bit I still used my hand way to much and by the evening the pain was unbearable and I ended having a few tears.
Today I'm trying to be more sensible......
It was just fantastic to see Vikki and Ben on Saturday, Ben who isn't two until December walked in carrying a bunch of flowers which he then gave me with a kiss! talk about melting your heart. We went for a little walk over the road to the children's play park which he loves, then came home and Vikki made lunch for us as Eric was busy outside working on his trailer. I say trailer but actually it started out as a dilapidated horse box he bought for fifty quid, apparently with all the building stuff he needs to do the base for the conservatory it is cheaper to collect then have delivered, hence the need for a trailer. Anyway we all teased him terribly but have to admit it now looks like a trailer and is almost finished. First trip is to the scrap yard with the top of the horse box and he expects to get 50 quid for all the metal, so guess he has the last laugh! and even better he should be ready to start digging out the foundations soon.
Sunday I finally plucked up the courage to wash my hair, boy it took forever with one hand but is now lovely and clean. Then Dawn picked me up and off we went to the craft shop, even though Dawn carried all my bit I still used my hand way to much and by the evening the pain was unbearable and I ended having a few tears.
Today I'm trying to be more sensible......
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Making progress
What a difference a few days make, now I am able to make my own cups of tea and lunch and this morning managed to feed the dogs. Sounds so trivial but I hate being dependant on anyone even Eric who has been the best pandering to my every whim but it's time to start getting back to normal I think.
Vikki and Ben are coming over today, Vik has deliberately stayed away in case Ben knocked my hand but I have missed them so much and can't wait to see them. Tomorrow Dawn is taking me out to Capel nursery, not that we go for the plants but they have a huge craft section. Really looking forward to just going out somewhere anywhere other than hospital.
Decided last night after trying to play with the new software I got for the robo that as there are no help files or instructions yet to order video tutorials from America. Only looked at 1 so far but really impressed and boy are they going to save time and heartache trying to figure it all out.
Have a good weekend all.
Vikki and Ben are coming over today, Vik has deliberately stayed away in case Ben knocked my hand but I have missed them so much and can't wait to see them. Tomorrow Dawn is taking me out to Capel nursery, not that we go for the plants but they have a huge craft section. Really looking forward to just going out somewhere anywhere other than hospital.
Decided last night after trying to play with the new software I got for the robo that as there are no help files or instructions yet to order video tutorials from America. Only looked at 1 so far but really impressed and boy are they going to save time and heartache trying to figure it all out.
Have a good weekend all.
Friday, 26 October 2007
Plaster off !!!!
Back to the hospital yesterday and yay they've taken the plaster off. I've had the drain removed (which I didn't even know I had) that had to have a couple of tiny stitches, I'm told it all looked good but couldn't pluck up the courage to look properly LOl, but the worst bit was having the sticky dressing pulled off jeez that hurt. Now have a splint to wear for 6 weeks which I can take off to do some exercises 5 times a day. Swelling has gone down loads overnight and I have more use of the hand already so feeling quite up beat today. Just wish I could drive but I guess that will come.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Feeling better
Day six and finally feel a bit better yay !!!! pain not as bad today, have wonderful multi colour bruises spreading down my fingers, no concentration at all and completely bored
decided to download some free Christmas papers I saw in papercraft mag and had a bash at making one of their quick and easy cards, should have been on a square card but couldn't manage to pull them out so went with a tall card as it was on top LOL, okay so it's pretty rubbish really but I'm chuffed to bits to have done something.

AND my new software for the craft robo has arrived so looking forward to playing with that.
Thank you all for all the get well messages, and apologies if I've left incoherent messages on your blogs LOL.
decided to download some free Christmas papers I saw in papercraft mag and had a bash at making one of their quick and easy cards, should have been on a square card but couldn't manage to pull them out so went with a tall card as it was on top LOL, okay so it's pretty rubbish really but I'm chuffed to bits to have done something.

AND my new software for the craft robo has arrived so looking forward to playing with that.
Thank you all for all the get well messages, and apologies if I've left incoherent messages on your blogs LOL.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Fed Up !!!!
Boy am I fed up, the GA has really messed me up and I feel quite out of it a lot of the time. My hand hurts and I spend all day clock watching to see when I can take next lot of painkillers. Bruising is spreading down my fingers which are sort of black and blue. Roll on Thursday when hopefully I'll get this plaster splint off.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
The OP
Well here I am having survived the dreaded op, in truth it all went very smoothly apart from having a GA and not the regional as arranged. The anaesthetist on duty Thursday didn't do regionals so what was the point in giving me the choice! The day unit was very clean and the nurses were lovely, I made my apologies in advance knowing the GA would make me sick and it did. But that was the only hiccup of the day. I went down at 2.30pm and was back on the ward at 4.30pm and finally managed to make my escape just before they closed at 8pm. The pain wasn't to bad as the surgeon gave me a nerve blocker which started to wear off Saturday morning and then the pain and after effects started to hit me and yesterday wasn't a great day but feeling a bit more with it today.
Back to hospital Thursday afternoon and hopefully they'll remove the plaster cast which is just supporting the underneath of my hand/wrist. Stitches should dissolve and surgeons thinks if the wrist is reasonably stable I may get away without it being fussed. And best of all I should be back to "normal" in a couple of weeks, which is quicker than I thought....
Back to hospital Thursday afternoon and hopefully they'll remove the plaster cast which is just supporting the underneath of my hand/wrist. Stitches should dissolve and surgeons thinks if the wrist is reasonably stable I may get away without it being fussed. And best of all I should be back to "normal" in a couple of weeks, which is quicker than I thought....
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
I've been tagged
by the lovely Karen of the Design Collective
Here are the rules which you must abide by if you are tagged.
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs
Ok, so here goes:
1. I am a malteser addict!
2. I started colouring my hair when it began to go grey at the age of 26.
3. My name is Suzanne but my family call me Suzy and friends call me amongst other things Sue.
4. I love baking but hate cooking.
5. I've been carrying around the same tube of antihistamine cream in my bag for 25 years since my son was stung by a wasp and had an bad reaction.
6. I hate to dress up and feel most comfortable wearing very casual gear LOL.
7. I've had my knuckles and wrists replaced with plastic joints due to the RA.
Now I'm going to tag
apologies if you've already been tagged LOL
Here are the rules which you must abide by if you are tagged.
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs
Ok, so here goes:
1. I am a malteser addict!
2. I started colouring my hair when it began to go grey at the age of 26.
3. My name is Suzanne but my family call me Suzy and friends call me amongst other things Sue.
4. I love baking but hate cooking.
5. I've been carrying around the same tube of antihistamine cream in my bag for 25 years since my son was stung by a wasp and had an bad reaction.
6. I hate to dress up and feel most comfortable wearing very casual gear LOL.
7. I've had my knuckles and wrists replaced with plastic joints due to the RA.
Now I'm going to tag
apologies if you've already been tagged LOL
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Dawn and I went to a scrapathon in Ipswich yesterday. 10am till 10pm not that we stayed until the end we were shattered by 4.30pm and Dawn had to go out in the evening but we had a brilliant time meeting new people.
I won a prize in the bingo which I shared with Dawn as she was getting most put out at not winning LOl and today I received an email to say I've won a £10 gift voucher to spend at papermaze from a draw they did at the end of the evening yay!
Spent far to much time talking and shopping so didn't get a whole lot done but managed to do this layout. It's a class by Fiona Beckman on the Design Collective to help you use more than one photo on a page to show an event or series of photo's.

The photo's are of Eric trying to have a practice run putting up in his new tent ready for his holiday on the Isle of Man the following month. Not only did he have all the hounds trying to help but had to contend with Dawn and I heckling him.
Absolutely shattered today and wrist is playing up so just pottering and chilling out whilst Eric has gone to the Copdock bike show.
Really want to try and do one more layout and my pages for the circle journal this week then I'll pack my stuff away as they'll be no scrapping for me for a few weeks. What ever will I do with myself LOL.
I won a prize in the bingo which I shared with Dawn as she was getting most put out at not winning LOl and today I received an email to say I've won a £10 gift voucher to spend at papermaze from a draw they did at the end of the evening yay!
Spent far to much time talking and shopping so didn't get a whole lot done but managed to do this layout. It's a class by Fiona Beckman on the Design Collective to help you use more than one photo on a page to show an event or series of photo's.

The photo's are of Eric trying to have a practice run putting up in his new tent ready for his holiday on the Isle of Man the following month. Not only did he have all the hounds trying to help but had to contend with Dawn and I heckling him.
Absolutely shattered today and wrist is playing up so just pottering and chilling out whilst Eric has gone to the Copdock bike show.
Really want to try and do one more layout and my pages for the circle journal this week then I'll pack my stuff away as they'll be no scrapping for me for a few weeks. What ever will I do with myself LOL.
Friday, 5 October 2007
Happy Bunny
No particular reason just feel a happy bunny today. The sun is shining, washing on the line, cakes baking in the oven and dogs all outside on the deck sunbathing. All 5 were laying together so rushed off to get the camera and guess what, yup they all moved rotten lot LOL..
Today life is good.
AND my wrist actually feels not to bad today so I'm going to prep some work for tomorrow, Dawn and I are going to a scrapathon! 10am to 10pm not that we'll last that long we normally pack up about 4pm but it's just so lovely to spend the day scrapping without interruptions.
Still struggling with my circle journal but have kind of decided what I'm doing for my entry, shall work on it next week ready for posting on the 16th. Tomorrow I'm working on yet another Christmas prezzie last one then I'm all done yay !!!!
Sunday Eric is going to the Copdock bike show, weather forecast looks good so hopefully the "boys" will have a good time as it will probably be the last fun outing of the year.
Have a good weekend everyone....
Today life is good.
AND my wrist actually feels not to bad today so I'm going to prep some work for tomorrow, Dawn and I are going to a scrapathon! 10am to 10pm not that we'll last that long we normally pack up about 4pm but it's just so lovely to spend the day scrapping without interruptions.
Still struggling with my circle journal but have kind of decided what I'm doing for my entry, shall work on it next week ready for posting on the 16th. Tomorrow I'm working on yet another Christmas prezzie last one then I'm all done yay !!!!
Sunday Eric is going to the Copdock bike show, weather forecast looks good so hopefully the "boys" will have a good time as it will probably be the last fun outing of the year.
Have a good weekend everyone....
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Pre admision appointment
Been to the hospital this morning for my pre admission appointment. All went well and I have elected to have a regional anaesthetic which will completely numb the entire arm and slight sedation so I'm relaxed. I really didn't want a GA as they make me so sick and I wouldn't stand a chance of getting out that day. I may still have to stay in but the hospital are aware that I am very keen to come home the same day and Eric will be here to look after me. They weren't able to tell me how long the wrist/hand will be out of action which I really wanted to know but suggested I ring the surgeon's secretary to see if she could find out.
Called in the Dr's on the way home and got my flu jab so quite a successful morning.
Just wish it was all over and done with now....
Last night Eric said to me you're SAD no I'm not I said a bit cheesed off with life but not SAD no you fool he siad I mean Seasonal adjust disorder! well I think he may be right because today the sun is shining and it's so warm we sat outside and had lunch when we came home and suprise surprise I feel much happier today LOL
Called in the Dr's on the way home and got my flu jab so quite a successful morning.
Just wish it was all over and done with now....
Last night Eric said to me you're SAD no I'm not I said a bit cheesed off with life but not SAD no you fool he siad I mean Seasonal adjust disorder! well I think he may be right because today the sun is shining and it's so warm we sat outside and had lunch when we came home and suprise surprise I feel much happier today LOL
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Wedding Anniversary
Today is our wedding anniversary yay !!!! course everyone says Eric deserves a gold medal for surviving another year with me LOL.
Actually he probably does at the moment because all I seem to be doing is whinging and whining about how much my wrist hurts and the op LOL. Don't normally have time for self pity waste of time and energy but definitely having woe is me few days...
Tomorrow is the pre admission appointment so maybe I'll feel better when I actually know what to expect. We were just so shocked when we saw the hand surgeon that a) I didn't have a choice it had to come out because of the broken silicon (silicon synovitis) and b) not enough bone left to put another replacement wrist in! and the other wrist will probably go the same way soon... anyway we just were so shocked that we didn't really ask the right questions so fingers crossed tomorrow brings some reassurances.
Mac is a little better and has started going out for lead walks, rather that than going silly in the garden.
Had a lovely day with Vikki and Ben today. Ben is just growing up so fast now, I can hardly believe he'll be two in December. He's getting quite a range of words now and is an expert and letting you know what he wants one way or the other.
Completley messed up a page of my CJ, got glue on the acetate which then just spread everywhere so had to redo the welcome and rules pages. Was worried the acetate wasn't going to be robust enough so maybe it's just as well. Get the same look just printed it onto coloured card stock this time. Started my two pages but talk about unispired and it's my theme LOL
Actually he probably does at the moment because all I seem to be doing is whinging and whining about how much my wrist hurts and the op LOL. Don't normally have time for self pity waste of time and energy but definitely having woe is me few days...
Tomorrow is the pre admission appointment so maybe I'll feel better when I actually know what to expect. We were just so shocked when we saw the hand surgeon that a) I didn't have a choice it had to come out because of the broken silicon (silicon synovitis) and b) not enough bone left to put another replacement wrist in! and the other wrist will probably go the same way soon... anyway we just were so shocked that we didn't really ask the right questions so fingers crossed tomorrow brings some reassurances.
Mac is a little better and has started going out for lead walks, rather that than going silly in the garden.
Had a lovely day with Vikki and Ben today. Ben is just growing up so fast now, I can hardly believe he'll be two in December. He's getting quite a range of words now and is an expert and letting you know what he wants one way or the other.
Completley messed up a page of my CJ, got glue on the acetate which then just spread everywhere so had to redo the welcome and rules pages. Was worried the acetate wasn't going to be robust enough so maybe it's just as well. Get the same look just printed it onto coloured card stock this time. Started my two pages but talk about unispired and it's my theme LOL
Friday, 28 September 2007
Poor Mac is still grounded, lame and in pain!!!! slight improvement but after a telephone consultation with Tom our vet we have decided to try another week on the tablets which contain steroid's, no walk again this week but he has been out in the car twice today to cheer him up.
Got a letter from council this week to say we have planning permission for the conservatory yay !!!! not looking forward to all the muck and mud when Eric starts digging out the foundations but it will be so worth it to have another room. It's all very well downsizing but we didn't bank on 5 dogs and a grandson LOL.
Been busy making Christmas presents and working on my circle journal, which is not going very well. Keep making mistakes and changing my mind. Jennie, a lovely lady on the design collective is also in the circle and has just posted some photo's OMG it's gorgeous and now I feel like mine is complete rubbish LOL. Still no time to change it again as we post on the 16th Oct and I've got so much to try and finish before the dreaded op on the 18th!
Talking of op, I have pre admission appt next week and my feeling of dread and terror are getting worse by the day! and the wrist is now agony all the time which makes scrapping difficult and probably explains all the mistakes I've been making. Actually had to bin a project this week first time I've not been able to rescue something.
Hoping to see Vikki and Ben tomorrow as they've had really heavy colds for two weeks and had to stay away from me.
Had an idea that I hope to work on after op. If like me you have favourite recipes but they're all in different cook books or on bit of paper torn from magazines you'll like this. I'm going to make my own recipe book. IT will all be in very large text so I don't have to keep putting on reading glasses (another sign age is creeping up on me). So I've started to take photo's in readiness.
I love this photo of Ben and me taken the day I survived 3 nappy changes ... course it will have to be scrapped LOL...

Have a good weekend everyone.
Sue x
Got a letter from council this week to say we have planning permission for the conservatory yay !!!! not looking forward to all the muck and mud when Eric starts digging out the foundations but it will be so worth it to have another room. It's all very well downsizing but we didn't bank on 5 dogs and a grandson LOL.
Been busy making Christmas presents and working on my circle journal, which is not going very well. Keep making mistakes and changing my mind. Jennie, a lovely lady on the design collective is also in the circle and has just posted some photo's OMG it's gorgeous and now I feel like mine is complete rubbish LOL. Still no time to change it again as we post on the 16th Oct and I've got so much to try and finish before the dreaded op on the 18th!
Talking of op, I have pre admission appt next week and my feeling of dread and terror are getting worse by the day! and the wrist is now agony all the time which makes scrapping difficult and probably explains all the mistakes I've been making. Actually had to bin a project this week first time I've not been able to rescue something.
Hoping to see Vikki and Ben tomorrow as they've had really heavy colds for two weeks and had to stay away from me.
Had an idea that I hope to work on after op. If like me you have favourite recipes but they're all in different cook books or on bit of paper torn from magazines you'll like this. I'm going to make my own recipe book. IT will all be in very large text so I don't have to keep putting on reading glasses (another sign age is creeping up on me). So I've started to take photo's in readiness.
I love this photo of Ben and me taken the day I survived 3 nappy changes ... course it will have to be scrapped LOL...

Have a good weekend everyone.
Sue x
Monday, 24 September 2007
Urgent help required
A lovely lady called Carole on her blog has made the following plea for help
If anyone feels they could send a few pounds please visit her blog Collectively Me here
some of the images are very upsetting so please be aware..
Some of you may know that i support a charity called Wiccaweys. Wiccaweys is a rescue for Collie's and Sheepdogs and is run by only 2 people primarily and a bunch of devoted volunteers.
I wouldnt normally put things like this in my blog but they are desperately trying to raise £2000.00 for a new van. They really need this van to carry on the work that they do in rescuing and rehoming collies from all over the country including ireland.
I am SO passionate about helping to raise the money that i will do ANYTHING and yes i mean ANYTHING to help.
If anyone feels they could send a few pounds please visit her blog Collectively Me here
some of the images are very upsetting so please be aware..
Friday, 21 September 2007
Hill Billies
To-day Sandy, Jim and Rulu had an appt booked at the vets for their yearly health checks and boosters but Mac also needed to go because Monday we noticed he started to limp very suddenly. Within minutes he was very very distressed and hyperventilating so rushed to the vets who said a "Sting" on his paw. Well we thought it was odd that Mac who is stoic would get so upset over a sting but hey you go with what the vet says don't you (not Tom our first choice). Well as the week has gone on Mac has got worse and my today could hardly walk at all. Turns out the sting was a complete red herring and he has wrenched his shoulder. Mac has a metal plate and pins in his back leg, 3 toes one one foot and arthritic hips!!!! so sometimes he struggles to get up and Monday he must have pulled his shoulder. Poor little chap is so fed up, no walks but his Dad does take him out in the car for a ride round the block LOL.
Why Hill Billies, well even with a Volvo estate you can't get 4 greyhounds and Rulu in the back so the seats have to come down, off we go with dogs hanging out of every window. Lord did we get some looks. BUT we were at the vets over an hour and all 5 dogs were fantastic not rising to the bait of barking dogs, meowing cats, although at one point Lucky did hide behind Eric when a little Scottie started yapping. Not that Lucky needed to be at the vets we just figured if we left her at home alone we may not have a home to go back to LOL.
Nothing to share today, been feeling poorly most of the week, not bad enough to go to the Dr's just not quite right. Have managed to make a few Christmas presents but can't share them either.
Have joined a circle journal on the Design Collective. Never done one before so a bit scared, really must try and make a start on it this weekend, just not feeling very inspired can't pin down how I want it to look... YET!
Have a good weekend everyone.
Why Hill Billies, well even with a Volvo estate you can't get 4 greyhounds and Rulu in the back so the seats have to come down, off we go with dogs hanging out of every window. Lord did we get some looks. BUT we were at the vets over an hour and all 5 dogs were fantastic not rising to the bait of barking dogs, meowing cats, although at one point Lucky did hide behind Eric when a little Scottie started yapping. Not that Lucky needed to be at the vets we just figured if we left her at home alone we may not have a home to go back to LOL.
Nothing to share today, been feeling poorly most of the week, not bad enough to go to the Dr's just not quite right. Have managed to make a few Christmas presents but can't share them either.
Have joined a circle journal on the Design Collective. Never done one before so a bit scared, really must try and make a start on it this weekend, just not feeling very inspired can't pin down how I want it to look... YET!
Have a good weekend everyone.
Friday, 14 September 2007
Very very proud Mummy moment
Today Vikki passed her car theory test !!!!!!!!!!!
YAY !!!!!!!
The test changed and became harder from the 3rd September, typically Vikki couldn't be persuaded to do it before it changed BUT has been studying very hard and practicing on the online test site and to her shock and our delight she passed scoring 46 out of 50 and 65 out of 70 on the hazard test....
Go Vikki !!!!!
Onwards and upwards girl ....
PS Your little Clio is sitting here waiting for you...
YAY !!!!!!!
The test changed and became harder from the 3rd September, typically Vikki couldn't be persuaded to do it before it changed BUT has been studying very hard and practicing on the online test site and to her shock and our delight she passed scoring 46 out of 50 and 65 out of 70 on the hazard test....
Go Vikki !!!!!
Onwards and upwards girl ....
PS Your little Clio is sitting here waiting for you...
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
I survived !!

Yesterday I looked after my grandson Ben for the first time all day on my own. Previously we've had him for a few hours but always with Eric here to help me, but yesterday Vikki had to go on a work's course (normally she works nights) and Eric couldn't be here so just me all on my tod!!!
Went to Ipswich to collect Ben and asked Dawn to meet me here at 9.45 to get the little chap out of his car seat BUT I got back quicker than I thought and before the pre arranged time with Dawn anyway to my shock I managed to undo the car seat on my OWN... Dawn arrived and we sat in the garden and had a cuppa whilst the little fella pulled out all his toys, but Dawn had to go at 11am and so there we were just him and me. We wandered over the road to the play park and spent a lowly hour on the swings etc and then came home for lunch but by then his nappy was looking full so plucked up the courage to change it phew !!! only wet and Ben seemed to understand it's hard for me to change his nappy and laid really still, BUT after lunch a nasty whiff came to my attention and yes it was gross but we managed... spent a couple of hours playing in the garden until Eric came home at 3pm and amused Ben for me whilst I collapsed in a heap LOL. One more nappy change then back to his Mum. I might just add Vikki was most impressed with my nappy changing skills although if she'd seen me trying to put it on back to front she might not have been ....
Thought I'd be dead on my feet today but seem to be ok so far!!!
A few photo's Eric took yesterday afternoon.

And was I lucky that it was a beautiful warm day so we could play outside or what LOL

Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Bare Books
A lovely helpful lady called Sarah is making them and selling them at ridiculously cheap prices so if can't afford your own bind it thingy please check this out.
Sarah has been really kind and is making me one up specially to use as my CJ for which I've decided to do on the Design Collective. Well I'm a complete novice at this and Sarah has told how many pages I need in it and is now making it up for me along with a few other bare books I've ordered.
Had Ben my Grandson all day today and had a great day but sooo tired so will fill you in on that tomorrow.
You can find the Bare Books here
Sarah has been really kind and is making me one up specially to use as my CJ for which I've decided to do on the Design Collective. Well I'm a complete novice at this and Sarah has told how many pages I need in it and is now making it up for me along with a few other bare books I've ordered.
Had Ben my Grandson all day today and had a great day but sooo tired so will fill you in on that tomorrow.
You can find the Bare Books here
Friday, 7 September 2007
Sun shine
Yet another glorious day, albeit very late the summer seems to have arrived, well probably a short lived Indian Summer but it's very welcome all the same.
Vikki and Ben came for the day Wednesday, we had a lovely day sitting and playing in the garden, well me and Ben did, Vikki mostly sat in her car, actually thought she might decide to have lunch served in it...

Of course yesterday being Thursday saw Dawn and I scrapping as usual, I was working on a class kit from last months crop by Ness of Papermaze. Managed to find a bit of time today to finish it off. Photo was taken on August Bank Holiday at Mum and Dad's BBQ and is of my Mum and Dad, Eric and me with Marc and Vikki and of course Ben, not forgeting Benji dog who seems to have snuck in the photo as well LOL...

For someone who hates sewing I seem to do a lot of it on my layouts. The title has been back stitched onto the pink felt then drawn round with a red glaze pen. The swirl is cut out of felt, took ages.... horrible stuff it was to cut.... anyway I'm really pleased with the overall effect.
Vikki and Ben came for the day Wednesday, we had a lovely day sitting and playing in the garden, well me and Ben did, Vikki mostly sat in her car, actually thought she might decide to have lunch served in it...

Of course yesterday being Thursday saw Dawn and I scrapping as usual, I was working on a class kit from last months crop by Ness of Papermaze. Managed to find a bit of time today to finish it off. Photo was taken on August Bank Holiday at Mum and Dad's BBQ and is of my Mum and Dad, Eric and me with Marc and Vikki and of course Ben, not forgeting Benji dog who seems to have snuck in the photo as well LOL...

For someone who hates sewing I seem to do a lot of it on my layouts. The title has been back stitched onto the pink felt then drawn round with a red glaze pen. The swirl is cut out of felt, took ages.... horrible stuff it was to cut.... anyway I'm really pleased with the overall effect.
Monday, 3 September 2007
Scrap book extravaganza
Had a wonderful day yesterday going to Hintlesham with Dawn to a scrap book extravaganza, lots of stalls including ATDML and Ness from Papermase. Spent way to much money and ate to much homemade cake in the refreshments room but came home with lots of goodies...
Saturday we went out to view a little car Eric spotted on ebay for Vikki and ended up making the chap an offer which he accepted.

So all we need now is for Vikki to pass her theory test next week and then she can put in for the practical and fingers crossed she'll be mobile...Mind you my ears are still ringing from Vikki screaming down the telephone with delight when we told her.
Had fun making my first ever little mini album called the Magic wallet designed by Fiona Beckham on the Design Collective. It's so cute, going to have to make more of these.

Photo's are from Mum and Dad's Bank Holiday BBQ...

Gave it to Mum as a thank you and she loved it.... mind you she nearly didn't get it as I loved it sooo much myself LOL..
Saturday we went out to view a little car Eric spotted on ebay for Vikki and ended up making the chap an offer which he accepted.

So all we need now is for Vikki to pass her theory test next week and then she can put in for the practical and fingers crossed she'll be mobile...Mind you my ears are still ringing from Vikki screaming down the telephone with delight when we told her.
Had fun making my first ever little mini album called the Magic wallet designed by Fiona Beckham on the Design Collective. It's so cute, going to have to make more of these.

Photo's are from Mum and Dad's Bank Holiday BBQ...

Gave it to Mum as a thank you and she loved it.... mind you she nearly didn't get it as I loved it sooo much myself LOL..

Sunday, 26 August 2007
Lazy Blogger
I'm becoming a lazy blogger so much for my good intentions of putting something on everyday!
Well Mac is better thank goodness and the vet doesn't think the lump on the leg is causing his stiffness but suspects it's the hip. Good news for us as his insurance will pay for any treatment not so great for Mac but he seems pretty happy with life. Sandy didn't get her yearly booster as she has an abscess on a tooth and has to have a GA Wednesday to remove the tooth, so no point getting the jab whilst on AB's.
The yellow board has gone up outside informing the public of our proposed planning permission for the conservatory ... Fingers still crossed.
Marc was best man at his best friends wedding yesterday, we went to the evening do and everyone said what a great speech he gave. Well I know that having listened to him rehearse it a million times LOL... The bride looked gorgeous as did the bridesmaids and the boys all looked so smart. Unfortunately our camera was playing up last night and none of the photo's are in focus.
Hospital rang and have given me a date of the 18th Oct to have the replacement joint wrist removed eek !!!! just waiting on the pre admission appt as I have a hundred questions but main question is "how long will I not be able to SCRAP"
I wasn't going to share any of the layouts I'm doing for Eric's TT album, but I'm so chuffed with this one I have to show it off.

It's a Design Collective class by Debbie Jewell. Debbie actually used a real clock and altered it to use in a child's bedroom. As soon as I saw it I knew it fitted perfectly for this photo of the boys and bikes by the Liver Building waiting to board the Seacat. I used a piece of paper with clocks on kindly donated by Dawn, then mounted the photo on it but cut the sky away as I wanted it to look part of the paper. The clock face is printed onto acetate then the whole thing is mounted onto a black circle and then again mounted onto a circle covered in off cuts of basic grey papers. technically it was quite a hard LO to do with so many circles. Good job I invested a whole 67p in a compass LOL. Not often I can hand on heart say I'm happy with a LO usually something bugs me but I Love this...
Off to Mum and Dad's annual BBQ tomorrow, always good to meet up with all the family EXCEPT Bob and family who are in America. Normally we would have the webcam on so they feel part of it with everyone talking to them but Mum moved it to Monday this year as Vik was supposed to be working tonight and of course it's not a Bank Holiday for them. Need to get a family photo tomorrow for a LO I want to do LOL...I wonder if I could ring round and get everyone dressed in colours to match my papers....probably not.
Well Mac is better thank goodness and the vet doesn't think the lump on the leg is causing his stiffness but suspects it's the hip. Good news for us as his insurance will pay for any treatment not so great for Mac but he seems pretty happy with life. Sandy didn't get her yearly booster as she has an abscess on a tooth and has to have a GA Wednesday to remove the tooth, so no point getting the jab whilst on AB's.
The yellow board has gone up outside informing the public of our proposed planning permission for the conservatory ... Fingers still crossed.
Marc was best man at his best friends wedding yesterday, we went to the evening do and everyone said what a great speech he gave. Well I know that having listened to him rehearse it a million times LOL... The bride looked gorgeous as did the bridesmaids and the boys all looked so smart. Unfortunately our camera was playing up last night and none of the photo's are in focus.
Hospital rang and have given me a date of the 18th Oct to have the replacement joint wrist removed eek !!!! just waiting on the pre admission appt as I have a hundred questions but main question is "how long will I not be able to SCRAP"
I wasn't going to share any of the layouts I'm doing for Eric's TT album, but I'm so chuffed with this one I have to show it off.

It's a Design Collective class by Debbie Jewell. Debbie actually used a real clock and altered it to use in a child's bedroom. As soon as I saw it I knew it fitted perfectly for this photo of the boys and bikes by the Liver Building waiting to board the Seacat. I used a piece of paper with clocks on kindly donated by Dawn, then mounted the photo on it but cut the sky away as I wanted it to look part of the paper. The clock face is printed onto acetate then the whole thing is mounted onto a black circle and then again mounted onto a circle covered in off cuts of basic grey papers. technically it was quite a hard LO to do with so many circles. Good job I invested a whole 67p in a compass LOL. Not often I can hand on heart say I'm happy with a LO usually something bugs me but I Love this...
Off to Mum and Dad's annual BBQ tomorrow, always good to meet up with all the family EXCEPT Bob and family who are in America. Normally we would have the webcam on so they feel part of it with everyone talking to them but Mum moved it to Monday this year as Vik was supposed to be working tonight and of course it's not a Bank Holiday for them. Need to get a family photo tomorrow for a LO I want to do LOL...I wonder if I could ring round and get everyone dressed in colours to match my papers....probably not.
Monday, 20 August 2007
Been a busy weekend
Saturday I went with Dawn to our local crop and had a fabulous day as "Sharon" on DC would say a great scrap and yap LOL. Managed to do a double layout for Eric's TT album BUT not sharing it with you as want to do the whole album first...
Saturday night we went to a housewarming party and had a good evening but came home to a very poorly Mac. Having declined his brekkie and tea on Saturday we were a little concerned and as soon as we got in he rushed outside and was really sick. Poor little chap had waited until we got home. Sunday he again refused food all day and was looking really sick by bedtime and now not drinking water either. Decided to try him on warmed up milk with sugar, yes I know I shouldn't but he loves it and to our relieve he drank it and by this morning seemed much better. He's off to the vets Wednesday as the lump on his leg is still growing, Sandy is also going for her yearly booster and health check, good job as we suspect she has an infection in her mouth.
Got a letter from the council today to inform us they will be putting up a notice for one and all to read regarding the plans we submitted for the conservatory, fingers crossed.

Found time today for a little play and made this ATC holder... can't wait for my swaps to arrive and now they'll have their own little home LOL.

Completely forgot there had been a class on the Design Collective on how to make these d'oh .... but still managed to make something reasonable off my own bat LOL...shame the photo's of my lovely creation are so rubbish...
Saturday night we went to a housewarming party and had a good evening but came home to a very poorly Mac. Having declined his brekkie and tea on Saturday we were a little concerned and as soon as we got in he rushed outside and was really sick. Poor little chap had waited until we got home. Sunday he again refused food all day and was looking really sick by bedtime and now not drinking water either. Decided to try him on warmed up milk with sugar, yes I know I shouldn't but he loves it and to our relieve he drank it and by this morning seemed much better. He's off to the vets Wednesday as the lump on his leg is still growing, Sandy is also going for her yearly booster and health check, good job as we suspect she has an infection in her mouth.
Got a letter from the council today to inform us they will be putting up a notice for one and all to read regarding the plans we submitted for the conservatory, fingers crossed.

Found time today for a little play and made this ATC holder... can't wait for my swaps to arrive and now they'll have their own little home LOL.

Completely forgot there had been a class on the Design Collective on how to make these d'oh .... but still managed to make something reasonable off my own bat LOL...shame the photo's of my lovely creation are so rubbish...
Monday, 13 August 2007
My first ATC's
A class this week on the Design Collective by Jane Hall is about ATC's (that's artists trading cards for those not in the know me included LOL). They have to measure 3 1/2 inches by 2 1/2inches and should have (apparently) 4 elements. Background paper, subject, accent and embellishment. Wasn't going to bother with them but then Jane decided to set up a swap where by we each make three and send them to her and she then sends three from other members back to you plus a bonus one from Jane herself.
Have to say I was completely stuck for an idea but eventually the penny dropped and as my username on DC is greyhound lover the choice was obvious LOL. Had good fun making them but once you start trying to work on them you realise just how small they are. Hope I don't end up being embarrassed if the other members are much better than mine LOL. Going to post them to Jane tomorrow and sit back and wait for the swaps to arrive.

I made the background paper by typing a verse from a poem dated 1486.
A greyhound should be Headed like a snake,
And necked like a drake,
Footed like a cat,
Tailed like a rat,
Sided like a team,
Chined like a bream.
The hounds were made by using alcohol inks onto transparency then printing the image onto that and cutting them out. Stamped a paw and made the hearts and letters on CR which were then coloured, and either foiled or glittered....
Popped to Ipswich yesterday to see Vikki and Ben and ended up bringing the little chap home with me, poor Rulu's face was a picture "you can't be serious Mum". Anyway we had a really lovely time, after lunch we went to the little park over the road and Ben and Eric had a great time LOL. Eric took him home a few hours later and the cheeky little man only wanted to get back in the car and come back AGAIN!!!!
Needless to say Eric and I were shattered LOL
Have to say I was completely stuck for an idea but eventually the penny dropped and as my username on DC is greyhound lover the choice was obvious LOL. Had good fun making them but once you start trying to work on them you realise just how small they are. Hope I don't end up being embarrassed if the other members are much better than mine LOL. Going to post them to Jane tomorrow and sit back and wait for the swaps to arrive.

I made the background paper by typing a verse from a poem dated 1486.
A greyhound should be Headed like a snake,
And necked like a drake,
Footed like a cat,
Tailed like a rat,
Sided like a team,
Chined like a bream.
The hounds were made by using alcohol inks onto transparency then printing the image onto that and cutting them out. Stamped a paw and made the hearts and letters on CR which were then coloured, and either foiled or glittered....
Popped to Ipswich yesterday to see Vikki and Ben and ended up bringing the little chap home with me, poor Rulu's face was a picture "you can't be serious Mum". Anyway we had a really lovely time, after lunch we went to the little park over the road and Ben and Eric had a great time LOL. Eric took him home a few hours later and the cheeky little man only wanted to get back in the car and come back AGAIN!!!!
Needless to say Eric and I were shattered LOL
Friday, 10 August 2007
Conservatory plans...
So on what had to be the hottest day of the year Eric and "the boys" spent a very long hot day dismantling the conservatory and bringing it back here. All done with no breakages, so I said to Eric great we've got a conservatory to which he replied no what we've got is a flippin great big jigsaw LOL
The plans are coming on well and Eric should have them done next week so we can apply for the planning permission, I've been seriously impressed with what he's done. It has to be done to scale so that's me lost straight away.
Been another hectic week so no change there but did have a lovely day scrapping with Dawn.
This first layout of Ben is with a photo taken last July and just seemed to capture everything that was so magical about his first summer. I scrapped it for Vikki in her album of Ben's first year but had to use it again for my album as it was my favourite photo of his first summer.

This second layout is based on a Design Collective class by scrapdolly called "nifty negatives". I had wanted to do a layout showing all these photo's but was struggling on a way to incorporate them all on one page, this class fitted the bill perfectly and I'm really pleased with the end result.
The plans are coming on well and Eric should have them done next week so we can apply for the planning permission, I've been seriously impressed with what he's done. It has to be done to scale so that's me lost straight away.
Been another hectic week so no change there but did have a lovely day scrapping with Dawn.
This first layout of Ben is with a photo taken last July and just seemed to capture everything that was so magical about his first summer. I scrapped it for Vikki in her album of Ben's first year but had to use it again for my album as it was my favourite photo of his first summer.

This second layout is based on a Design Collective class by scrapdolly called "nifty negatives". I had wanted to do a layout showing all these photo's but was struggling on a way to incorporate them all on one page, this class fitted the bill perfectly and I'm really pleased with the end result.

Thursday, 2 August 2007
Hectic time
Lord it's been completely mad here for days....We have bought a second hand conservatory which has to be dismantled so Eric been busy arranging help and tying up dates and transport. Also he has sold one of his motorbikes, so had that to sorted out. We finally got TR7 back here (OMG it's awful how could we let that happen) and Eric managed to find some time to fix my car yay !!!! plus collecting a cement mixer he got on ebay auction, it's been non stop.
So Saturday is the day of getting the conservatory luckily "the boys" are available. Then we have to draw up the plans and apply for planning permission "DRAT" apparently when the double garage was built it used up the permissive rights for this property, shouldn't be a problem but it's still a pain and will take approx 8 - 10 weeks. Now you know me I want it up like yesterday LOL.
Had a wonderful day scrapping with Dawn today and actually finished a whole layout!
Wanted to have my own album of Ben but as I've already scrapped his first year by each month for Vikki didn't really want to repeat it in mine so came up with this which covers his first year and now I'll just add pages to the album as and when.

Page is based on a Design Collective class by Amber Harrop-Johnston "going round in circles" also loved a page a fellow DC scrapper called dotty scrapper did, so have pinched (with her permission) the basic LO.
Mum had her birthday yesterday and I made her a matching birthdays book and address book. The birthday book was a doddle as it was a DC class by Karen Miller with really easy to follow instructions.

The address book was all my own work and with no instructions was quite difficult to work out, got there in the end and Mum loved it which was the main thing.
So Saturday is the day of getting the conservatory luckily "the boys" are available. Then we have to draw up the plans and apply for planning permission "DRAT" apparently when the double garage was built it used up the permissive rights for this property, shouldn't be a problem but it's still a pain and will take approx 8 - 10 weeks. Now you know me I want it up like yesterday LOL.
Had a wonderful day scrapping with Dawn today and actually finished a whole layout!
Wanted to have my own album of Ben but as I've already scrapped his first year by each month for Vikki didn't really want to repeat it in mine so came up with this which covers his first year and now I'll just add pages to the album as and when.

Page is based on a Design Collective class by Amber Harrop-Johnston "going round in circles" also loved a page a fellow DC scrapper called dotty scrapper did, so have pinched (with her permission) the basic LO.
Mum had her birthday yesterday and I made her a matching birthdays book and address book. The birthday book was a doddle as it was a DC class by Karen Miller with really easy to follow instructions.

The address book was all my own work and with no instructions was quite difficult to work out, got there in the end and Mum loved it which was the main thing.

Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Tagged as a Rockin' Blogger!!

Yay I've been tagged as a rockin blogger by Sharon, thank you Sharon apparently the rockin blogger award was started by a lady called Roberta. Anyway it has really cheered me up after a very stressful evening.
We we're supposed to be going over to Eric's friends farm to collect our TR7 which they have been storing for 7 years (oops) so anyway Eric takes the battery out of the Volvo (thinking it's a fair bet the TR won't start LOL) we got into my car to go BUT my car had no drive but then decided it did, so off we go down the drive, stop at the bottom for traffic go to pull away and no drive again, only this time it didn't come back! so then Eric had to put battery back in Volvo and tow my car back up drive. Looks like a big job as the seal has gone on the crank shaft and oil has got into the automatic gear box!!!!!! poor Eric he really doesn't need the extra work. AND we still have to get the TR7 back ASAP.
Anyway I'll have to have a think about who I will tag.
Sunday, 22 July 2007
The Face I Love

This is the prompt for the challenge on "one true friend A priceless treasure" this time I was determined to do it as so far I've only managed one challenge despite my good intentions. As it was my local crop this week I made sure I was prepped and ready to do the layout of Jim but made the mistake of taking my hound album with me as several people had asked to see it and spent far to much talking about it and only just managed to get this one layout done. Photo was taken last year when we had stripped the bed off to change and Jim dived under the duvet on the floor so we rushed for the camera and managed to get the shot as he peeped back out.
Have today managed to do a Design Collective class today "dress up your chipboard" by Debbie Jewell well I didn't have any chipboard so cut out my title on the CR and then had great fun with glossy accents, foil and glitter, course the dogs are now all walking round with red glitter as highlights LOL.

Friday, 13 July 2007
Finally !
It's stopped raining yay !!!!! warm, overcast and humid but better than rain.
Well I have a pack of poorly dogs. Mac's lump turns out to be bone growing over the metal and causing a callous as removing the plate is not an option we're treating him with anti inflamatories and pain relief as and when he needs it. Jim who has had a pain in his neck/shoulder area for weeks is more serious than the muscle strain we suspected, at best he has a spine problem and at worst a tumour so he's on complete rest and we've had to pick up all his balls to try and restrict him playing and generally charging round like a loony. Lucky has for the 3rd time already this year gingivitis and is on AB's...
Been busy scrapping this week and have just completed two pages I have wanted to do for a long while. They are of Puddin our very first greyhound, Puddin was the beginning of our love for greyhounds and it's down to her that we have gone on to rescue 7 so far. Both layouts are based on Design Collective classes, I love the way they stretch me and take me in different directions.
This LO is from Kirsty Wiseman "break into digi"

And this one is from Suzanne Torr "working with less than perfect photo's"
I've also created the journaling from an idea from another of Suzanne's previous classes. Over the circle I have made an acetate circle and printed the title onto it and secured it with the button brads, hasn't turned out quite as well as I wanted but I think that's probably because it was such an important page for me to try and record plus I kept crying LOL.

The journaling reads as :
The year was 1999 and one morning I woke up and simply announced to Eric we need to rescue a GREYHOUND
Something that has gone on to change our lives forever and I simply can’t remember what I saw, or read to reach such a conclusion. With no knowledge of greyhounds at all (remember this was before the internet was widely available) I answered an ad in the local paper and found Nicola, a young single Mum who was trying to rescue as many of these beautiful dogs as she could. Puddin had been found wandering the streets with a young pup and so Nicola had taken them in. Puddin was suffering from pyometra (cancer of the womb)Nicola had nursed Puddin for months and had been told by the vet she was now ok, as soon as we saw her we could see she really wasn’t very well but it was to late, we had already fallen in love with her. Unfortunately within days of her coming home with us, we found a lump and our vet confirmed our worst fears the cancer had returned. We knew her time with us would be short but we were determined to give her the best we could and in those three and a half short weeks, we really did have fun, despite knowing she would soon be wrenched away from us.
We took her to pet city and boy did she make us proud as she stood and looked so
serene “a quiet oasis” amongst a storm of barking dogs. We adored her, as did
everyone who met her. She was so elegant, graceful and such a lady. No amount of
time would ever have been long enough! And when the time came for her to leave
us our hearts truly did break…
Puddin had left us with the thirst to acquire knowledge so we could go on and do whatever we could to rescue these beautiful dogs and to raise the awareness of the horrors they suffer.
Have all the family coming over Sunday to meet Marc's new girlfriend and to celebrate his new job, he's in the Police Force and has just landed himself his dream position but I guess I hadn't better say more than that...
Well I have a pack of poorly dogs. Mac's lump turns out to be bone growing over the metal and causing a callous as removing the plate is not an option we're treating him with anti inflamatories and pain relief as and when he needs it. Jim who has had a pain in his neck/shoulder area for weeks is more serious than the muscle strain we suspected, at best he has a spine problem and at worst a tumour so he's on complete rest and we've had to pick up all his balls to try and restrict him playing and generally charging round like a loony. Lucky has for the 3rd time already this year gingivitis and is on AB's...
Been busy scrapping this week and have just completed two pages I have wanted to do for a long while. They are of Puddin our very first greyhound, Puddin was the beginning of our love for greyhounds and it's down to her that we have gone on to rescue 7 so far. Both layouts are based on Design Collective classes, I love the way they stretch me and take me in different directions.
This LO is from Kirsty Wiseman "break into digi"

And this one is from Suzanne Torr "working with less than perfect photo's"
I've also created the journaling from an idea from another of Suzanne's previous classes. Over the circle I have made an acetate circle and printed the title onto it and secured it with the button brads, hasn't turned out quite as well as I wanted but I think that's probably because it was such an important page for me to try and record plus I kept crying LOL.

The journaling reads as :
The year was 1999 and one morning I woke up and simply announced to Eric we need to rescue a GREYHOUND
Something that has gone on to change our lives forever and I simply can’t remember what I saw, or read to reach such a conclusion. With no knowledge of greyhounds at all (remember this was before the internet was widely available) I answered an ad in the local paper and found Nicola, a young single Mum who was trying to rescue as many of these beautiful dogs as she could. Puddin had been found wandering the streets with a young pup and so Nicola had taken them in. Puddin was suffering from pyometra (cancer of the womb)Nicola had nursed Puddin for months and had been told by the vet she was now ok, as soon as we saw her we could see she really wasn’t very well but it was to late, we had already fallen in love with her. Unfortunately within days of her coming home with us, we found a lump and our vet confirmed our worst fears the cancer had returned. We knew her time with us would be short but we were determined to give her the best we could and in those three and a half short weeks, we really did have fun, despite knowing she would soon be wrenched away from us.
We took her to pet city and boy did she make us proud as she stood and looked so
serene “a quiet oasis” amongst a storm of barking dogs. We adored her, as did
everyone who met her. She was so elegant, graceful and such a lady. No amount of
time would ever have been long enough! And when the time came for her to leave
us our hearts truly did break…
Puddin had left us with the thirst to acquire knowledge so we could go on and do whatever we could to rescue these beautiful dogs and to raise the awareness of the horrors they suffer.
Have all the family coming over Sunday to meet Marc's new girlfriend and to celebrate his new job, he's in the Police Force and has just landed himself his dream position but I guess I hadn't better say more than that...
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Yup still raining!
When will we ever see the sun, just keeps on raining and raining.
Had a lovely day today with Vikki and Ben coming over. Ben has just the cutest little wellie boots you ever did see "postman pat" he adores them and screams if Vikki tries to take them off. Today Eric had a day off and needed to do some work in the garden in between the rain and of course Ben was out there following his Grandad and helping out. Got some good photo's will have to scrap them for sure BUT I need a new camera! our digital camera just isn't fast enough to catch Ben or the dogs and I get so frustrated with all the shots of the back of Ben's head or a dog just moving out of shot. Think it will have to be my Christmas present although technically I've already had it as last year Eric treated me to a craft robo for my birthday/Christmas for the next zillion years LOL.
Dawn is away in France on yet another holiday so as Thursday is our scrapping day I'll be doing it on my own, now where near as much fun and it's always good to work alongside someone when you need a second opinion.

This is another layout based on a Design Collective class by Debbie Jewell. The photo is of Poppit now one of my bridge babies.
Mac and Jim are booked in to the vets Friday. Mac's leg really hasn't improved and we are now really concerned that the leg is rejecting the metal plate and pin. Because he's now 11 we have been hoping he wouldn't need another op but it's beginning to look like we're running out of options. Jim has been have pain in his neck shoulder area for a few weeks and despite resting him it's still there!
Had the renewal for the dogs insurance through. Sandy, Jim and Lucky's has gone up from around £15.00 per dog per month to £25.00 and Mac's has gone through the roof to £43.00!and it doesn't cover any treatment on his leg.... question is do we keep paying or cancel and run the risk of a massive bill? when Mac broke his leg the op alone came to £2,500..... guess it's to risky to cancel and at least they have a no excess policy.
Had a lovely day today with Vikki and Ben coming over. Ben has just the cutest little wellie boots you ever did see "postman pat" he adores them and screams if Vikki tries to take them off. Today Eric had a day off and needed to do some work in the garden in between the rain and of course Ben was out there following his Grandad and helping out. Got some good photo's will have to scrap them for sure BUT I need a new camera! our digital camera just isn't fast enough to catch Ben or the dogs and I get so frustrated with all the shots of the back of Ben's head or a dog just moving out of shot. Think it will have to be my Christmas present although technically I've already had it as last year Eric treated me to a craft robo for my birthday/Christmas for the next zillion years LOL.
Dawn is away in France on yet another holiday so as Thursday is our scrapping day I'll be doing it on my own, now where near as much fun and it's always good to work alongside someone when you need a second opinion.

This is another layout based on a Design Collective class by Debbie Jewell. The photo is of Poppit now one of my bridge babies.
Mac and Jim are booked in to the vets Friday. Mac's leg really hasn't improved and we are now really concerned that the leg is rejecting the metal plate and pin. Because he's now 11 we have been hoping he wouldn't need another op but it's beginning to look like we're running out of options. Jim has been have pain in his neck shoulder area for a few weeks and despite resting him it's still there!
Had the renewal for the dogs insurance through. Sandy, Jim and Lucky's has gone up from around £15.00 per dog per month to £25.00 and Mac's has gone through the roof to £43.00!and it doesn't cover any treatment on his leg.... question is do we keep paying or cancel and run the risk of a massive bill? when Mac broke his leg the op alone came to £2,500..... guess it's to risky to cancel and at least they have a no excess policy.
Friday, 29 June 2007
Still raining
Well yet another thunder storm and cloud burst as I sit here !!! when will the rain stop and the sun come out again. For me the weather influences my mood if the sun shines I'm happy and motivated to do things. Guess the weather and a chest infection explains why I've been so unproductive this week. Finally went to the doctors and now have antibiotics so hopefully I will start to feel better soon.
Did go out to lunch yesterday with Dawn and it was the first time I've left the house in over a week but was home by 1.15pm exhausted.
This is a layout I did on my weekend away. The photo is of Eric and Ben.

Ben just adores his Grandad and copies everything he does. We were at a BBQ at our son's, now Marc is completely obsessive about grass and 10 times worse with his own and would really have liked to stop us all going on the lawn but of course he couldn't, so just as we were about to leave Eric bent down and pretended to get the grass to stand back up and naturally Ben had to help.
The page is based on a class by Fiona Beckman of the Design Collective and is about different ways of hiding journaling. On this page there are two lots of hidden journaling, sometimes what you want to record may be personal and not right for everyone to read or other times it would spoil the look of a page. I wanted to record the story of Marc and his grass and Ben copying Eric but it would have detracted from the page, hence hiding it. Can you guess where.
Hope to meet up with Vikki and Ben tomorrow and just generally have a chilled out weekend.
Did go out to lunch yesterday with Dawn and it was the first time I've left the house in over a week but was home by 1.15pm exhausted.
This is a layout I did on my weekend away. The photo is of Eric and Ben.

Ben just adores his Grandad and copies everything he does. We were at a BBQ at our son's, now Marc is completely obsessive about grass and 10 times worse with his own and would really have liked to stop us all going on the lawn but of course he couldn't, so just as we were about to leave Eric bent down and pretended to get the grass to stand back up and naturally Ben had to help.
The page is based on a class by Fiona Beckman of the Design Collective and is about different ways of hiding journaling. On this page there are two lots of hidden journaling, sometimes what you want to record may be personal and not right for everyone to read or other times it would spoil the look of a page. I wanted to record the story of Marc and his grass and Ben copying Eric but it would have detracted from the page, hence hiding it. Can you guess where.
Hope to meet up with Vikki and Ben tomorrow and just generally have a chilled out weekend.
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Well I've been feeling rotten since Thursday !!!!! ache all over and RA has flared, suspect I caught a chill in the caravan and it doesn't take much to tip the balance. Feeling a bit better today and was supposed to being seeing Vikki and Ben But now I'm up to a visit Ben has come down with a tummy bug. Haven't seen them since before I went away so getting Nanny withdrawal symptoms. Going to try and meet up Saturday.
Haven't done any scrapping booking since coming back from my weekend away. Combination of feeling rotten and no inspiration at all. Had a LO sitting on my desk for over a week now but just can't seem to get going.
These are two I did when away and our based on Design Collective classes. Photo's are from Eric's holiday on the IOM.

That's the second time I've scrapped this class by Karen Miller as I loved it so much.

and this is my take on a class by Jennie Leon. Course it helps having such gorgeous photo's to work with.
Haven't done any scrapping booking since coming back from my weekend away. Combination of feeling rotten and no inspiration at all. Had a LO sitting on my desk for over a week now but just can't seem to get going.
These are two I did when away and our based on Design Collective classes. Photo's are from Eric's holiday on the IOM.

That's the second time I've scrapped this class by Karen Miller as I loved it so much.

and this is my take on a class by Jennie Leon. Course it helps having such gorgeous photo's to work with.
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